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  1. T

    Grouping Reports by Field Lookup (Column 1)

    Thanks Uncle Gizmo, I've never used combo boxes on reports before! It's working now. I had to adjust the Column Count and the Column Widths.
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    Grouping Reports by Field Lookup (Column 1)

    I tried implementing using a ComboBox and inserted the following SQL into the Row Source: SELECT tblMarketsNameList.[MarketNameID], [tblMarketsNameList].[MarketName] FROM tblMarketsNameList ORDER BY [MarketName]; No luck, it still returns the ID field.
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    Grouping Reports by Field Lookup (Column 1)

    Hello, I am seeking to group a report using a Field Lookup Table. The problem, is when I call the field in the header, "MarketLookup", the result is the ID associated with the field. For example, "2", instead of "Commercial". Now, usually in VBA, I would use the expression...
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    Audit Trail / Changelog

    I am working to implement Allen Browne's solution. I ran into an issue: Run-time error 3825 "SELECT * cannot be used in an INSERT INTO query when the source or destination table contains a multi-valued field." This occurs at: "db.Execute sSQL, dbFailOnError" in the following section ' If...
  5. T

    Shared Drive Woes on the Backend

    I was able to solve this issue on my database by linking the tables to the "true name" of the path. Instead of "S:/Sales/..." I coded in the name of the server, "//[ServerName]:/Sales/...". Maybe that will work for you too?
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    Audit Trail / Changelog

    Woohoo! I was successful in implementing this audit log; however, it is only the first step. I need to create a query/report that includes the value of every record as it was 1 year in the past, the current value of each record, and the difference between the two. I'm not even sure something...
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    Audit Trail / Changelog

    Edit: Fixed this issue by adding in wildcard asterisks to the LIKE SQL code.. *doh*. I'm still troubleshooting the rest of the script. Will post results soon. --- So, I am experiencing a conflict with the BeforeUpdate method. I currently have a data validation code in my BeforeUpdate...
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    Audit Trail / Changelog

    Hello, I have been asked to implement a changelog / audit trail for forecast comparison purposes. In my research I have found three methods of implementing this fix, see below. Method 1 & 2: Method 3:
  9. T

    Object Libraries 2013 and 2007 Compatibility

    Thank you The_Doc_Man. I have checked this and can confirm I am running 32-bit. More information, this code I am running automatically has the user to open both Outlook and Excel to draft an email and create a pre-populated excel template. Maybe has something to do with it? Object Libraries...
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    Object Libraries 2013 and 2007 Compatibility

    Hello, I recently upgraded my system to Office 2013 and the Object Libraries have automatically been up-scaled to 15.0 in the database. The problem: some of the end users in my department are still running Office 2007 and their machines are not compatible with Object Libraries 15.0 and...
  11. T

    Data Validation 'Tag Method'

    UPDATE: After adding a second "End If", it now works correctly! I still have to do a few more tests to make sure. Don't have the time at this second. Will follow-up to update this post with the final determination. The final code looks like Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As...
  12. T

    Data Validation 'Tag Method'

    IDK I'm able to open your sample database and get that to work flawless using Access 2007. I'm thinking its possible there's something weird going on with the actual fields on my form. I'm going trough each field painstakingly trying to debug this right now.. What would I use instead of Nz? I...
  13. T

    Data Validation 'Tag Method'

    This looks like it would work. I took a look at your sample database and it's pretty lean. Now when I try the same code in my database, I receive the following error: "Run-time error '2424': The expression you entered has a field, control, or property name that Microsoft Office Access...
  14. T

    Data Validation 'Tag Method'

    Same error at the same location of the code "validateform".
  15. T

    Data Validation 'Tag Method'

    The same error message. Compile Error: Expected variable or procedure, not module. And if I move the function into the form's private module, the error changes to: Compile error: wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment.
  16. T

    Data Validation 'Tag Method'

    Hmm.. still no dice. I tried using both Me.Name and Me.frmPROPOSALINFORMATIONInputForm. See code below: Private Sub Save_Record_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Save_Record_Click If Me.ProposalNumberID & "" <> "" Then If validateform(Me.Form) Then DoCmd.Close acForm...
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    Data Validation 'Tag Method'

    No sorry still receiving Compile Error: Expected variable or procedure, not module. on "validateform" of the command button.
  18. T

    Data Validation 'Tag Method'

    So I've applied all suggested changes to the public function and the error still persists, see current codes below: Command Button: Private Sub Save_Record_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Save_Record_Click If Me.ProposalNumberID & "" <> "" Then If validateform Then DoCmd.Close Else...
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    Run-Time Error 3464 Data Type Mismatch

    Thank you!! That solved the issue.:D:D
  20. T

    Data Validation 'Tag Method'

    Thank you Fuse3k. The "validateform" module is public, on its own. I was hoping it'd help reduce redundancy keeping it that way. See revisions below: Command Button: Private Sub Save_Record_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Save_Record_Click If Me.ProposalNumberID & "" <> "" Then If...
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