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  1. B

    UPDATE statement using multiple, comma separated value, as criteria

    Micron, thank you for following up. Being barely more than an "Access Hack", I am certainly not absolutely committed to the solution that seems to work at the moment (especially if other, unforeseen issues arise) so your input is greatly appreciated should I need to re-engineer. The form this...
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    UPDATE statement using multiple, comma separated value, as criteria

    Oh, thanks to the solving of this vexing problem, there will most certainly be much fireworks...and BEER!!! You have a great 4th as well, DBguy!!
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    UPDATE statement using multiple, comma separated value, as criteria

    WAIT! Hold the presses! It worked!! Ok, so I did two things wrong. First, I fat fingered the string following the IN clause, which generated the '3075' error. Second, while trying to implement CJ's recommendation that the CommonName would need to look like "'Ragnar Lothbrok', 'Lagertha...
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    UPDATE statement using multiple, comma separated value, as criteria

    I just wanted to offer a big "thank you" to CJ, DBguy and Micron. While doing the IN clause has generated a '3075' error (Missing Operator in query), all of your inputs have helped to at least narrow things down a bit and I'm sure I can power through this new issue. Sometimes a bit of focus is...
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    UPDATE statement using multiple, comma separated value, as criteria

    Thank you very much for looking at this (verbose) post ;-) To answer your question (which I did incorrectly earlier so it never showed up): "...push it to the persona record's SupportedOpsList field..." means that I only want the operation name to be added to the to the SupportedOpsList...
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    UPDATE statement using multiple, comma separated value, as criteria

    DB, thank you also for taking a look. As requested... '**************** B E G I N C O D E **************** Private Sub lstBox_SupportingPersona_Click() ' List box selection that populates the Selected Persona text box Dim persStr As String Dim persVar As Variant Dim persItems...
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    UPDATE statement using multiple, comma separated value, as criteria

    Thanks for sticking with my verbose post, CJ. I appreciate that. To clarify the bit of code you would like highlighted: If only one persona name is selected from the list box, let's say "Ragnar Lothbrok", then that name is captured in the form's txtBox_HiddenPersona. From there, the...
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    UPDATE statement using multiple, comma separated value, as criteria

    Good evening all! I have found myself in a jam that has me beating my head against the proverbial wall, and has led me down numerous research rabbit holes to no avail. Now my head proverbially hurts, and I can no longer see the light of day I've been so deep into these I decided...
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    Hello (Access) World!

    Thanks, DB. And again, I sincerely appreciate all the help you've unwittingly provided over the years via these threads. Looking forward to really maximizing the incredible brain trust on this site... ~Eric
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    Hello (Access) World!

    I knew I joined the right place...
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    Hello (Access) World!

    Probably because I'm a wino, and you're the moderator! :p
  12. B

    Hello (Access) World!

    Hello from the East Coast of 'Merica! Just wanted to drop a quick note saying "hi!" and offer an introduction of myself. Been an avid follower of Access World for several years now, and finally decided to join. While I am not an expert, by any stretch of the imagination, vis-a-vis...
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