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    A query that compares Top 3 from two different dates

    That's really helpful, and the final result is more or less what I expected. Just to be clear, are you calculating the OldAverage by taking the average of everything from greater than 6 months ago? If I improved rapidly from 1 year ago to 6 months ago that would be included as Old...
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    A query that compares Top 3 from two different dates

    Here's just the phrases and logphrases data
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    A query that compares Top 3 from two different dates

    I have two tables in my Guitar practice database. "phrases" contains short musical phrases with a target tempo to play it at(phraseTempo) Fields: ID, phraseName, phraseTempo. "logPhrases" records each practice session. Fields: ID, phrasesID,logDate,logtime,logTempo,logMastery,logRelaxation...
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    Powershell: Seeking ideas to practice useful scripts in non-administrator mode

    I've recently learned Powershell and I've found it really powerful for non admin tasks. I'm currently using it to modify a game to be dual language. It solves the problem of wanting to immerse myself in a language but not knowing enough to be able to do what I need to do in that language. You...
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    Guitar practice log

    I have a pretty good idea of that already and have some queries to handle it. For example qryPhrasesUnder30mins30Days - Returns any phrase that I've practiced for less than 30 minutes in the past 30 days. qryPhrasesNoTempo - Returns phrases that I have yet to practice with a metronome...
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    Guitar practice log

    I'm looking for a nudge in the right direction for my guitar practice log. The bulk of my practice is with the table "phrases" which contains snippets of musical phrases that showcases a technique or isolates the difficult part of a song. I have about a years worth of data now, and I want to...
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    Struggling to update two tables at the same time.

    I'm now realizing this. However, I thought I was doing this the wrong way because to get something simple like total time practiced required an SQL statement that had multiple UNIONs to add up all my different table types. I figured that if something that simple couldn't be done in Design Mode I...
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    Struggling to update two tables at the same time.

    You know this works, so that's progress! It's writing to both tables, so thanks! However, I guess I was coming at the problem from the wrong direction. I was thinking from the other way where LogScales is the main form and Log is the subform. What I was thinking was I select the scale I want to...
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    Struggling to update two tables at the same time.

    I think I've messed up but I don't know how. A few months back I needed a music practice log to track my guitar\piano\harmonica practice. It needed to be functional straight away so I threw together some basic functionality. I made a "licks" table which contains a screenshot of a lick\riff I...
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