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  1. P

    Connection to SQL Server using VBA connection string and Azure AD

    Thanks Minty. This does look promising although it does imply it can only be used with an Azure SQL Server (which mine isn't) - although reading the guide suggests I may be able to create an Azure administrator on my Windows Server and open up the possibily. I'll do some experimenting.
  2. P

    Connection to SQL Server using VBA connection string and Azure AD

    Hi Vlad, this is what I do. I call a stored procedure when opening Access that sends the Windows username as a parameter, the sp will then confirm or deny entry as appropriate. The issue I have is that I need a user name and password to execute the usp, I use the method described in my post...
  3. P

    Connection to SQL Server using VBA connection string and Azure AD

    Hi Pat, that's worrying! Why do you say that? I do have local backups of all the databases so could spin up another server somewhere else quite quickly if needed although it would be very inconvenient. I choose AWS as I found Microsoft Azure servers impenetrable (as I do many things Microsoft)...
  4. P

    Connection to SQL Server using VBA connection string and Azure AD

    I have a SQL Server 2019 running on Amazon AWS and use Access 2021 as a front-end for an in-house application. I connect to SQL Server every time I want to run a stored procedure using a connection string in VBA: dbConn.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=SQLSERVER;Database=NorthWind;User...
  5. P

    Rusty but experienced data engineer

    Hi all My name is Paul and based in the North West United Kingdom. My background is mainly as a data engineer in a Business Intelligence environment but during that time I have built various apps with an Access front end and Microsoft SQL Server back-end. I would say I am pretty much an expert...
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