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  1. X

    Win64 version crashing

    You are welcome! It has been an interesting challenge to convert it and I'm happy to have solved your problem. I don't think we see it! ;-)
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    Using concurreny in MS Access

    This database shows how concurrency can be used in MS Access using Doevents. It also shows that if a process is not dessigned to be used concurrently and uses Doevents function in it , you have to prevent it from users to execute multiple times. Concurrency is when two or more tasks can start...
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    Premature Declaration

    My point is, if the procedure fits on one screen on the top, if not, then before the first use.
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    Solved footer totals in subform

    No, Richard never uses spaces or puctuation/special characters at all.
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    How to call a module in main code VBA

    Not related with the error but the PtrSafe in the #Else should be deleted.
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    On/Off & ThreeState buttons in continuous forms

    This is a compilation of different techniques I have found and adapted using images, buttons, labels, etc,
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    Cascade combobox on continuous form

    Cascading combo boxes in a continuous can be difficult to do. See this discussion Semi Unique Combox Record Source on Continuous Form
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    Using APIs that return LongLong values in 32 bit Access

    This screenshot shows the GetTickCount64() behavior of this API after 39 days on a computer turned on (32 bit Access). As you can see the equivalent declarations: Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetTickCount64 Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTickCount64" () As LongPtr Private Declare PtrSafe Function...
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    Using APIs that return LongLong values in 32 bit Access

    This database has been tested with 32 bit MS ACCESS 2010 and works properly. LongLong type is not allowed in any 32 bit MS ACCESS version
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    Using APIs that return LongLong values in 32 bit Access

    Until recently I thought that we couldn't call APIs that return a LongLong values using 32bit MSACCESS. That's not true! There is a workaround. I came across that we can use these APIs if the return value in 32 bitness is the same size as LongLong type (8 bytes), for example; Currency or UDT...
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    Win64 version crashing

    This is a new version of the PictureBox converted to x64. In the first version there were two buttons that didn't work because they depend on a call (VarPtrArray) used in VB5 (msvbvm50.dll), now I've changed that reference for another one than comes with VBA7. (VBE7.dll) Now, I think the sample...
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    Win64 version crashing

    Ok, perhaps I'll try to convert it, but as you know it's not a piece of cake! ;-)
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    Win64 version crashing

    Hi @theDBguy, No unfortunately I don't have a 64-bit version of Leban's API calendar.
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    Win64 version crashing

    Here it's the vba7/64 bit version of the PictureBox database by Lebans. I hope it would be useful/helpful.
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    Finding missing No

    A simple way to do it would be: Create a table with all the Id possibles (for example in Excel and attach that table) Create a query with not matching records as @ebs17 has posted.
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    Library ACCDB Calls to Referencing Project Procedures?

    After some tests, I see no difference: Both accept parameters and both can return a value.
  17. X

    Library ACCDB Calls to Referencing Project Procedures?

    Surprising and very interesting! Thanks for sharing.
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    Loop gets limited

    I think the problem is that you are moving the mails in the For Each you are looping. First of all, I'd try to execute the code without moving the mail: (oldMail.Move objDestFolder). If it works properly then I suggest you to copy the mails into a new Collection and loop through it instead of...
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    Delete event triggers for moving files

    Yes, you can store instances of classes with several attributes.
  20. X

    V-Tools dissapears in MS ACCESS 365

    Thanks Andre, That's what I do, reinstall it every now an then.
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