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  1. G

    Solved Adjust Luminosity via VBA of any color value to it's lightest shade

    Mike, I apologize (I'm a fool), your HSLtoRGB function works perfectly (my debug statements above even prove it). I just misinterpreted the results. I decided to go a different route (although I may add your HSL routines to my cColors class). My work requires a lot of data analysis of...
  2. G

    Solved Adjust Luminosity via VBA of any color value to it's lightest shade

    You are correct, I'm using Excel VBA. I don't need to convert back, I was just testing your routines and it seemed to me the reverse should work. My ultimate goal is to calculate Microsoft color shading and I found other code that's supposed to be able to apply a shading percentage to HSL...
  3. G

    Solved Adjust Luminosity via VBA of any color value to it's lightest shade

    Well, either I spoke too soon or I'm not implementing your code correctly. HSLtoRGB doesn't work correctly. Basically, I used RGBtoHSL and then tried to reverse it to get back to my original color long. Debug output from colortest: RGBtoHSL: 13020235 to 128.455284552846, 124.556962025316...
  4. G

    Solved Adjust Luminosity via VBA of any color value to it's lightest shade

    Mike, you're a genius. first complete VBA coding that works! I've been working on this off & on for over a month. Thanks. I still need to figure how to implement Microsoft's shading, e.g. converting (Office 2007) Aqua, Accent 5 (13020235) to Aqua, Accent 5, Lighter 80% (15986394). The...
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