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  1. T

    stand-alone executable

    I've made a few databases in the past for an engineering test facility with some (limited) success. Recently we purchased a time sheet program that works as a stand alone program, but uses Microsoft Access to operate. Everything is table driven and there are filters and all the good stuff from...
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    Chart manipulation in VBA

    thanks Good article. Explained lots. Thanks.
  3. T

    Chart manipulation in VBA

    Anyone have any idea what the line of code is that let's you change either an axis title or the chart title in a pre-made chart? I have a form which has a chart made from Insert/Chart without any kind of coding...I have a button on that form and I would like it to change the properties of the...
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    Slow Graphs

    I wrote some VBA code to populate a graph in a form. It works fine, but is incredibly slow. In the program, I make an array of data points (2 by approx. 1000). This goes pretty fast - done in a second or two. Then I want to take this array and make an XY-scatter plot out of it. I have a graph...
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    Populating data in MS Graph Chart by VBA

    yeah... I just looked around and saw that they always declared everything as an object. Dim Graph_Data as Object Dim objDataSheet as Object Set Graph_Data = Me!WhateverGraphName.Object Set objDataSheet = Graph_Data.Application.DataSheet . . . objDataSheet.Range("A1").Value = 32 Oh well...
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    Populating data in MS Graph Chart by VBA

    Same problem Hey Keith, I've been having that same problem and I can't figure it out either. Maybe if we both whine about it someone will help us. The article that talks about referencing the chart just means you need to either dimension it at the top of the program (Dim Graph_Data as Graph) or...
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    calling groups of records

    I have a very large data table with groups of data points all assigned to a "Test ID". Suppose there are 1000 records from ten tests. There are four columns: "Field 1", "Field 2", "Primary ID" and "Test ID". Fields 1 and 2 have my data information which I want to run calculations on. Test ID...
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    PivotChart scatter plots

    I have a form which contains a query which calculates stress and strain (2 columns, approx. 100 records). So, to plot this data, I set the form to be a PivotChart with a XY Scatter just like I would do in Excel. I then drag the "strain" field into the "X Data" box and "stress" into the "Y Data"...
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    default value macro

    following the follow up Guess I jumped the gun a little bit in asking more questions. I made a switchboard that opens from the form and runs the code that closes the form. This seems to be working as I've been able to update my default table values.
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    default value macro

    follow-up Thanks for the help, Paul! I think I have it very close to working, there's just one little snag left. I have the code run as a button in a form which looks at the table with the changing default value (Holy prepositions, Batman!). Anyway, I added another line right before the update...
  11. T

    default value macro

    I am trying to create a macro that will automatically change the default value for a field in a table (from 2 to 3, for instance). Ideally, it would take this default value from a form, but otherwise a simple input box would be fine. SetValue only works for forms and reports, I think, so is...
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    relationships between groups of tables

    If I understand your post correctly, you were explaining how to create a subform that shows all of the data for the appropriate test. This wasn't really my concern, although it is something I had been doing. My issue was with importing the data into a single table. When I import new data and...
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    relationships between groups of tables

    Thanks! Well, this is definitely going to work. The consolidation of all of the tests into one table was a great idea, too. My last question, and then I promise I'll stop bugging you, is how can I make the 50 or so records in the DataTable (many) pick up the value of the field in the...
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    relationships between groups of tables

    I think I get it OK, so I would create another field within each of my tests that would uniquely identify it in the master table eg. Test1 ID(p.k.) Label(unique ID) Field1 Field2 1.............1........................#.........# 2.............1........................#.........#...
  15. T

    relationships between groups of tables

    Forgive me if this is a really dumb question, but there is an issue that has puzzled me for a while now. I work at a company which runs many tests using identical formats. The files are all saved as individual excel files and when I import them, the format for each test is a default primary key...
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