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  1. N

    SQL UNION Query resultsets copied to a table using VB

    :eek: :eek: :eek: anyone here know how to do this? I tried OpenRecordSet("SQL UNION") but I get an error saying OpenRecordset is not for UNION :( is there a work around for this using VB ? Thanks in advanced. :)
  2. N

    copy query to another query on the fly

    I have a hybrid code below (got it from someone else here...) doing the results are placed in QryGroupsCommitteeMultiSelect, now I want to put a "Save Query" button so a user can place it in a temporary Query so he/she can use it for Mail Merging, is this possible? what I'm...
  3. N

    Access with Word Formatting

    I have an email form, but at the moment it only do simple text , anybody here developed a similar form where you can change the font style/size/colors and then send it (with an option text/HTML) ...Anyone have any idea how to do this? thanks in advance. Regards, nels
  4. N

    hiding access window and opening Report preview

    Hi, I successfully made this work, but when opening a report to preview it (using a button click) . it doesn't show up, is there a workaround with this? Thanks in advance. Kind Reagrds. Nelson
  5. N

    how to retrieve a value from an SQL statement

    hi there, I have a form called frmOrganisation with a text field name called txtOrganisationID, and tables tblES and tblOrganisation now I need to execute an SQL Query Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset Dim strsql As String Dim strsqlInt As Interger rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient strqry =...
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