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  1. D

    Another CDate() question

    Hi All, Its been a while I Keep getting an #Error result on the CDate function 1st step works fine txtBookedDate: Trim(Mid([BookingDumpScreen],InStr([BookingDumpScreen],"P.")+4,8)) Answer as expected 07JAN15 2nd step converted the text to date Tried BookedDate: CDate([txtBookedDate])...
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    Automate copy form IE to Paste in Access search frm

    IE11 & Access2013(Desktop) Hello....I was wishing to automate a process at my work:- 1. I Highlight a text value on a website then ctrl&c 2. Alt&Tab to Access 3. Press F3 on the keyboard to open a search form 4. Ctrl&V paste the value I presume I will have to make up a toolbar in IE to add...
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    Toolbar & Browser Control

    Is it possible to specify a add-in IE toolbar (Lastpass) to load up with a form browser control. I understand its possible to pull through the main cmds GoBack, GoForward, Stop, and Refresh etc but I need the lastpass toolbar to load. Thanks Win7 / Access2000 / IE8
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    Check if linked tbl has record then load form

    Hello I have small .mdb containing these tables tbl_ClientsMaster (Primary Key) (PID) All linked to above by PID tbl_ClientsMedicalDetails (PMDID) tbl_ClientsExecutiveCards (PECID) tbl_ClientsPreferences (PCPID) The tables all have corresponding forms When the frm_ ClientsMaster loads I...
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    Very longshot

    Hi All I used to have a great sample mdb that was written by a MVP The sample was one of a series of online articles with a downloadable sample at the end This example covered going on to a website (featuring their books) then capturing the screen details I was a great example on how to...
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    Ghudson fScanDirSelectFileFromCombo example

    I have been trying to change ghudson great example to fit in my database My plan was to:- Change Combox to ListBox...Done OpenFile from Combo (AfterUpdate) Changed to OnClick...Done Change C: to Display Files in Current records folder in the server Sooo my missing part of the puzzle is get the...
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    Lost link for online tutorials

    Hi I have lost a link for a great website that had online video tutorials in Access. It was pitbull or bulldog or something like that (tried all the combinations in google) Jog anybody’s memory for a url cheers
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    Allen Browne DirListBox Module

    Hello I have been trying to change 1 of Allen Browne helpful examples in my Access2000 db I would like to change 2 things 1. On the current record ID Fill-in the files from the Specific Folder I believe this is the line I should change StrFileName = Dir$("C:\") ' Read filespec...
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    Word Email feature with Mail Merge

    Thanks to this forum I use access on some reports to mailmerge with bookmarks to a word template (long story its todo with our letter head) it just donned on me the other day to use the Word Email feature Any ideas on what code I would have to add along with my mailmerge button I have...
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    Automate SaveWeb PageAs *.mht

    After skimming through 120 posts I am still stuck I would like to automate the process of SaveWeb PageAs *.mht from inside a form which contains the ActiveX ctlbrowser I have set-up thanks to this forum our client enquiry mdb (Access2000) which how makes and names a folder in the server with...
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    Can this be done?

    Use text from a Screen dump to Autofill specific fields At the moment we book our cruise clients using a agents website we have then to input key information into the office database for accounts and date tracking etc Current Input method 1. Take a copy of the screen text and paste it into a...
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    Replace a boundComboBox with CmdButtons

    Searched for Command Button & ComboBox results all above me I have been asked to replace a bound ComboBox with command Buttons ! ID Type 1 Phone 2 Email 3 Fax 4 Website I got as far as adding and naming the buttons so I presume I will be using the OnClick event and telling access PhoneButton...
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    Electronic Window Cards

    Hello A wee story We used to get a .xls file with offers which we then used to handwrite window cards. With the postings on this forum its now imported and printed but now this is getting a hassle as the life of the offers are getting shorter and shorter. Its getting about changing /...
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    Problem linking 2 Forms(Not Subforms) with primary key

    Hi All In the past I have always used the code below to open Form B from Form A dropping the NewRec if not required. Started a new .mdb today and the PrimaryKey wouldn’t transfer when adding a new record in form B in the past the PrimaryKey was always already entered Private Sub...
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    Automate Sending to Winfax

    Anybody got a working example / sample of faxing through Winfax10 Wish list 1. Use the FaxNo. On form 2. Send a Report Looked through the threads but no conclusion reached Cheers in advance
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    TAPI compliant

    Hi guys anybody had any dealings / advice with TAPI compliant phone systems and access2000 The Boss saw a demo last week and was that imprested he wants we to do a feasibility report I have appointment next week with the Panasonic Reps and would like some REAL questions to through at them, I...
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    Start a Folder in a Specific directory each time a new Enquiry is started

    Hi All Please advise I would like Access2000 to start a new folder in a specific directory and name it with the relevant ID No ENQID???? G:\Tracker\EnqFldrs\ENQID???? The folder will be used later to store copy’s of quotes etc Cheers Shakey
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    AutoFill SignIn&Passwords from Access records to IE

    Hello everybody We have a Suppliers table which contains fields [SUPWEBID] [SUPID] [URL] [AccountNo] (Our AccountNo) [AccountNoLabel] (The Field name used by the Supplier) [Password] (OurPassword) [PasswordLabel] (The Field name used by the Supplier) I set-up a wee form for my collages that...
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    God like people please advise

    How do I put the same field name [SuppliersName] from multiple records into a single text box for a report! eg HolidayExtrasInsurance / BritishAirways / VIP Airport Lounges / RoyalCaribbean We have a wee MS2000 DB that holds Table 1 tbl_Enquiry (ENQID) Master table that contains fields for...
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