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  1. J

    DB To save passwords

    Just to go a little deeper: you need to change AllowEdits=No for your new textbox (in the header), and use the record in the body to change your password. Also: if no unauthorized person has access to the DB, then you will not need to think about extra security (password not necessary). If it...
  2. J

    DB To save passwords

    Where you have: "TxtShowUserName = me.VUserName" in the onOpenForm, probably needs to be in the onCurrent event so that when you click on a new record it will show the password for that record.
  3. J

    DB To save passwords

    Another way is to add a text box (w/command button) in the header and remove it from the body. see attached. I did not remove from the body and add VB to the On Current event.
  4. J

    DB To save passwords

    In OnClick of your unhide button, you can add the following VBA: If Me.yourTextBoxName.InputMask = "Password" Then Me.yourTextBoxName.InputMask = "" Else: Me.yourTextBoxName.InputMask = "Password" End If This would toggle it on and off as you click your command button.
  5. J

    Help!!! Combo Box with list, but I need a checkbox with the list

    The only thing close to what you want to do is to use a multi-select list box which would let you highlight all of the names that you want to process. (No check boxes)
  6. J

    Form Appearance - Get rid of navigation bar from Subform

    At the top left of the form click the gray box under the form name. A black dot will appear inside the gray box. This means you have chosen the form itself and not any controls on the form. The properties will change and you will be able to see the Record Selectors and Navigation Buttons properties.
  7. J

    Form Appearance - Get rid of navigation bar from Subform

    Subform properties (Format Properties) Record Selectors = No Navigation Buttons = No
  8. J

    db locked and not accessible afterwards

    Open the lock file in notepad and it will list the computer(s) that has the DB open.
  9. J

    Question Open a specific Windows Folder

    Since you have spaces in the (Assigned to) string try this: carpeta = "P:\Documents WORD\" & """ & Me.[Assigned to:].Column(2) & """
  10. J

    Question Open a specific Windows Folder

    Try This! folder = "C:\Documents WORD\" & Me.UserName.Column(2)
  11. J

    Error on startup due to 'Display Form'

    I would say that it is probably permissions on the network drive, because you will need full permissions on the folder that it is being run from. Check with your IT department. Also if others are going to be using the database, you should seriously consider splitting into front-end and back-end.
  12. J

    New Record = 1,000 blank records?

    Because you are adding a new record under Form_Current() and under Form_Load(), I think those 2 events are firing back and forth at each other. I agree with gemma-the-husky. Just to make the form data entry and eliminate the Form_Current() and Form_Load() procedures.
  13. J

    Deploying a Database without users seeing the Back end

    This thread shows one way by using a password.
  14. J

    Parameter Values

    The login form still needs to be loaded to pick up the info of Text5. Leave the login page open, and in the OnOpen event of your landing page, make the login form invisible. Or You can create a hidden text box on you landing page, put your info from Text5 in the hidden text box and then close...
  15. J

    Error message when accessing the b_e

    It looks like the problem may be that it is looking at the "C" drive instead of the network name of the server. YourUNCPath\Users\Public Documents\Database\THT.b_e.accdb
  16. J

    Make form exclusive

    A couple of ways to approach this: 1. Set focus on some part of the subform and loop through the controls & text boxes on the main form and set the enabled property to no. 2. Instead of using a subform, open as a seperate form and set the modal property to yes.
  17. J

    Calander to Show Bookings

    Try these to get started.
  18. J

    output to excel

    See if the info in the link below will help.
  19. J

    output to excel

    I don't have a Windows 7 machine to test this on, but try Dim strUser as String strUser = Environ("USERPROFILE") theFilePath = strUser & "\Desktop\Reports\"
  20. J

    output to excel

    You can just use the environment variable for windows 7, %USERPROFILE% = C:\Users\{username}
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