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    use a variable as a pathname for Dir() function?

    Thanks Wayne...I'll check it out :D
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    use a variable as a pathname for Dir() function?

    Hi All, Well I'm getting quite into vba now...not any good, but its addictive :D I'm trying to write a little procedure that checks for the existance of various files in a directory. The files will be stored in different named folders dependant on month i.e. jan, feb, mar, etc. What I want...
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    Dir Funtion?

    Thank-You Brilliant, thanks Shadez. Iwas close but no cigar :p Thanks again for taking the time to help me out...much appreciated! Cheers, Tom. :D
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    Dir Funtion?

    Hi Guys, Well I'm bumbling along with my vba and have had some success (mainly due to the patience and indulgance of fellow members:p ). However I have a hit a problem with the Dir function, I know I must be wrong but I would really appreciate somebody showing me the error of my ways. I'm...
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    Using VBA to check whether a file in a folder in a certain drive exists.

    Hi, This is not my code so all credit/thanks should go to I think fuzzygeek!? 'Check to see if a File exists ' Public Function strfisfile(stPath As String) As Boolean 'Fully qualify stPath 'To check for a file example ' fIsFile("C:\FolderName\FileName.doc") ' On Error Resume Next strfisfile =...
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    How do I create a batch file?

    Okay I got it to work...was a problem with my SOE work machine....wouldn't let me run a batch!!! Thanks for all the help guys :D Tommy B
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    How do I create a batch file?

    Hi Sambo, Thanks for pointing this I'm a newbie this would never have occured to me:o I'm having trouble writing my batch file anyway, can you give me any help? I know it should be simple but I just can't seem to get the syntax right...have been searching the net for a giude or FAQ...
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    How do I create a batch file?

    Thanks IgorB that was just the info I was after :D Cheers, Tommy B :cool:
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    How do I create a batch file?

    Cheers for the replies guys. I'd rather just write code to import one file than ten. That's my reasoning :rolleyes: Tommy B
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    How do I create a batch file?

    Hi Guys, Here's my problem...well the IT related one anyway :D I have 10 text files that I want to append into one file before I import into my database. I think a batch file is the best option for achieving this, so how do I create one? I know this is a bit wide of the mark in terms of...
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    Just feeling my way with VBA...

    Nice one :) Thanks a million Fuzzygeek...I just couldn't get my head around it, your example has shown me the!:D I will give it a go now. Once again thank-you for taking the time out to help! Cheers, Tommy B
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    Just feeling my way with VBA...

    Hi Guys, Just getting into vba and I have the following problem: I have written the following code whose purpose is to look in a directory for specific text files and import them if found, if they aren't there I want a msgbox to appear telling the user which files are missing. This works fine...
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    Please support these forums

    Hi, I'm just about to design my own homepage and if it helps I'll put both links on it. This forum has helped me out of more holes than i care to remember and basically has helped my career too. Anything I can do to say thank-you i will :D I'm sure many people here feel the same way. Tom.
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    Matching Text Strings?

    Many thanks for the heads-up Doc Man. I'll go hunting on that subject now :p Cheers mate, Tommy B :D
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    Finding Dupes.

    Hi Col, Butt in all you like :p I will give your solution a try, I think I see where you are coming from. Thanks for the help both of you :D Cheers, Tommy B
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    Finding Dupes.

    Hi Hayley, You are totally right on the wizard front :) However as I said it appears to look at each field in isolation rather than as a concatinated string which is what I need. I guess i could create a new field that is the concatinated result of the others and query that, but I am interested...
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    Finding Dupes.

    Hi Hayley, Thanks for the reply :p I think my description must have been off as what I am trying to do is only show records where all the fields are the same. So not records where name matches but the rest don't. Only records where Name, Address, Town, County, etc are all identical. The find...
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    Working vs Not Working

    Global Settings. This may not be relavent as the above post has probably nailed this problem, but have you checked the date/time settings for the machine itself? I had a problem with dates and it turned out to be the actual date/time regional settings within windows itself...give it a shot!!!
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    Finding Dupes.

    Hi Guys, I have a table full of names and address's that I want to de-dupe. How do I find instances where Name, Addressline, Town, County, Postcode are identical. Not duplicates individually but the as if all were concatinated together. Any idea's? Cheers, Tommy B:p
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    Matching Text Strings?

    Hi Guys, I am soon to start a new job (hurray!) and my first task will be to look at their marketing/leads database. Basically what it does is take a list of address's from mail-outs and promotions and match those address's to the actual sales, thus enabling them to measure the relative success...
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