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  1. EdFred

    Solved Very odd caret and text box behavior

    Thank you for directing me to that other thread. It did not show up in my searches for the SendKeys issue. The solutions I found involved a bunch of API calls and such.
  2. EdFred

    Solved Very odd caret and text box behavior

    I used Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.SendKeys "{F2}", True I put it in the OnExit subs for invoice number and product id, and this solves the issue. Cursor to end No Numlock change. Code I ran into as a solution for the numlock/sendkey was way more than I...
  3. EdFred

    Solved Very odd caret and text box behavior

    Sorry on going dark, 3 day weekend. To answer questions and what I've found: It seems it only gives the issue I am having when it's run from the OnExit Subs, running it from AfterUpdate works as it should. The SendKeys "{F2}" sort of solved this problem when I put it in the OnExit Subs, except...
  4. EdFred

    Solved Very odd caret and text box behavior

    How is that a logic error? A customer orders 50 of a Product ID. The material I have here was manufactured at maybe 3 different times. 3 different lot numbers. Customer gets 50 units. 12 units of lot 1234 25 units of lot 3456 13 units of lot 7890 All the same product ID all the same invoice...
  5. EdFred

    Solved Very odd caret and text box behavior

    I was about to stab myself if that was the case. I will see what I can do to minimize the amount of forms/tables/queries/other code that's needed to run this. For now, I'm just dealing with an extra tab. It will selstart to the end of product ID no problem, and then running the writePrefix...
  6. EdFred

    Solved Very odd caret and text box behavior

    Way too much sensitive information in tables that are being referenced to post even part of it. Plain English Process: I have lot tracing that is required by many of my customers. And in my field, the customers always push that responsibility off on suppliers rather than do it themselves...
  7. EdFred

    Solved Very odd caret and text box behavior

    I have a form with 2 Combo and 1 text box. It sometimes requires repetitive mostly-but-not-quite-duplicate entries so I wrote some vba code so I don't have to manually key in the same info over and over (sometimes up to 10 times, but often it's 1 and done) When I manually key in certain...
  8. EdFred

    SelStart being overridden by full text selection when...

    Problem solved, only took a coupl hours to figure it out. Set the focus, even though I was already in the field Private Sub Conversation_Enter() Me.Detail.Height = 2520 Me.Conversation.Height = 2520 Me.Conversation.SetFocus Me.Conversation.SelStart = Nz(Len(Me.Conversation), 1) End Sub (I had...
  9. EdFred

    SelStart being overridden by full text selection when...

    ...I resize a field. Access2007 (yep, still works, and not going to 365) Win10x64 I have a SubForm (continuous) that I am logging conversations we have with customers: custID, convoDate, EmployeeID, Contact, Conversation. The conversation notes could get rather long, but I only want the...
  10. EdFred

    Set focus on control after update

    I usually use DoCmd.GotoControl "controlidnamehere"
  11. EdFred

    putting data together with an autonumeric field

    Are we to assume that data from the two separate databases would have duplicate autonumber ids if combined? This is also why I hate autonumber and build my own 'autonumber' field in code.
  12. EdFred

    send report with varible name

    Here's the simple code to rename the report. It's what I use when making PDF reports of my invoices. Change the report name, Invoice_Number to lossorderfieldname, and directory location as necessary. DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "PDFInv", acFormatPDF, "S:\PDFOutput\Invoice" &...
  13. EdFred

    compare Currency to Number ???

    I've had issues where a number/currency displays as 284.32 actually ends up being 284.320025841 or some other trailing numbers even with limiting decimal places to 2. Is that possible?
  14. EdFred

    Random songs on a form

    I did this exact same thing a few years back. I will have to see if I can find that database. I used it as an alarm clock.
  15. EdFred

    Export Table To Csv File By Date

    Cycle through the Recordset. Though I guess the question is, how much vba background do you have?
  16. EdFred

    Export Table To Csv File By Date

    You can't have file names in windows with / or \ However something like strFilename = Format(rs![orderDate], "dd-mm-yyyy") & "-" & rs![ref] & ".csv" should work. Then use strFilename in your export/output command.
  17. EdFred

    Use parent form value in sub-form calculation

    Might also need/want an Nz() in there in case the form is empty.
  18. EdFred

    Use parent form value in sub-form calculation

    =Forms![ParentFormName].[ParentFormField]/100 * Me.Qty * Me.Price
  19. EdFred

    Reset rs for comboboxes VBA/SQL

    I've done similar. I make the row source for Combo2 based on saved Query2 based with =Form![FormName].[Combo1] limiter in it and Query3 =Form![FormName].[Combo2] and on down the line.
  20. EdFred

    Help with login attempts

    I also see where the user could reopen the database and try again. I'd put a yes/no field in the employee table to lock them out.
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