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  1. C

    Sort Recordset then add consequtive numbers to a non-key field.

    I'm helping our local Scouts with a Christmas tree order database and pre-delivery, we need to create labels for each tree. I'm using Access 2003 As the orders come in from customers in any order for location, delivery day and tree size, I need to sort the records with a query which sorts by...
  2. C

    Date Availabilty

    I've got a table with items that are available with a [startdate] and an [enddate] for their availibility. I've also got a report I want to run that is date limited. Some items will start and end within the period, some will start before and end during, some start during and end after and some...
  3. C

    Group level counts of Buildings & Rooms wrong :-(

    I'm trying to count the numbers of Rooms at any given Grouping level on a report, so there's so many rooms in a building, so many in a groups of buildings and so many groups of buildings in each region. To count the rooms in a building I've got a text box in the room header, RmCount. Set the...
  4. C

    Display File Name of backend mdb - how?

    Quite often I'll make a "training" version of the backend database so that people can "play" (or should I say get training) on dummy data without them having to worry about ruining the live data. If my real data is in a file called RealData.mdb and my dummy data is in a file called...
  5. C

    Counting Grouped Records

    I've got a report containing information on Building occupancy. Each building has rooms and each room has occupancies. I've designed a query to bring together all of the required information. Buildings have a URN of BuildingID Rooms have an URN of RoomID Occupancies have an URN of OccupancyID...
  6. C

    Form Field Validation - "Cancel = True" problem

    I'm calling this code on my Form's BeforeUpdate Event which I understand should only run if the form is dirty. In this example, the code should check to see if 4 fields ("txtField1", "txtField2", txtField3", "txtField4") have data present, if not highlight them yellow. Function Msg() Dim ctl...
  7. C

    Handy Developer's Tools - What do you use?

    I've come across a couple of free/inexpensive Access utilities in my wandering over the web and wondered if others had found Access related utilities/addins/tools that they would recommend to other developers? I use/have used: Free NJH Tools zMsa Tools - V-Tools Paid for Access...
  8. C

    Sum Room occupancies between dates (count days occupied)

    Actually, it's Property (as in Houses) rather than Rooms but as "Property" has another meaning in the Access context.... Here's what I've got (simplified version): Properties Table PropertyID (PK) PropertyName People Table PersonID (PK) PersonName PersonCategory Occupancy Table OccupancyID...
  9. C

    References - in variable locations (with mde file)

    I'm creating an App in Access 2000 which will be deployed as an mde in a multi user network. Since the initial build, the Client has now upgrade some PCs to Office 2003. The problem is that some machines use differing versions of Access, either 2000 or 2003 (the 2003 machines can use the 2000...
  10. C

    Show Linked BackEnd

    Show Linked Back End Database - How? I'd like to show users which backend database they are linked to (e.g. "Training Data" or Live Data") by showing a message on a form. Can this be done? Thanks, Simon
  11. C

    Show User Group

    Show User Group on Form - how? I've got User Level Security and want to show the logged on User which Group they are logged in as on a Form at Start up. I'm already showing a message using CurrentUser() to show their name but I'd also like to show their User Group (the Groups are hierachical...
  12. C

    Which event to add code to?

    I've got a sub form which allows users to select a customer from a combo and add a visit date in another field. For space reasons I want to show the Customer's details on the parent form when one of the existing or new customers is selected. I want this to happen when any part of the row is...
  13. C

    Limit to number of lookup tables?

    Got a problem in a database, of my 45 fields, 31 are in number format that are fed by lookup tables. When I try to write a query with the "English" names showing instead of the numbers, Access just stops responding. When I reduce the fields displayed in the query, things start to move again so...
  14. C

    Clicking in Record on Subform updates info on parent form?

    I've got a subform which displays some basic details about a client appointment (date & time etc.) Due to space limitations on the sub form I want to display some more detailed information about the client who made the appointment on the parent form. What I want to happen is that when any part...
  15. C

    Display Yes/No field as "YES" or "NO"

    I've got a table with a Yes\No Field. When I base a query on this field I get either a -1 /0 or a checkbox displayed in the query. I want to display this data on a report but the usual trick of formatting the checkbox field on the report to display the text won't work as the records source for...
  16. C

    Filter form Records from combo?

    Hi, I've got a form which shows data from an underlying query. One of the fields [EndDate] can either have a date in or not. I want to be able to select and display records with or without an [EndDate] from a combo box on the form - the afterupdate event on the combo would presumably need to...
  17. C

    UK Post Codes and Distances

    Just been asked to work out a way of matching two UK addresses by using distances based upon UK postcodes - "show me all Customers within X miles of this postcode" type thing. I know there is some Commercial Software around (that's where they got the idea from) but is the raw data available? I...
  18. C

    Check Excel Cell Values in all files in folder

    Hi, I'm trying to loop through all of the Excel Workbooks in a folder and for each, check the value of a cell. If this value equals X then I want to move the file to folder A, if it does not then I want to move it to folder B. I've got parts of the code to work, I can do both parts but lack the...
  19. C

    Mail Merge to chosen template?

    Demo file attached I want to output a single record to a Word Template. I got a single template version of this working with a hard coded path to the template. But I wanted to choose a different template, i.e. use the same info, but write a different letter. I set up a combo with the template...
  20. C

    Mail Merge with Template Choice

    I want to set up a Mail merge (actually just a single record) from an Access form. When the routine runs I want the "Choose Template" dialogue to open so that the user can choose which standard letter to use. I know that the Templates should be set up with "BookMarks" that can be filled in...
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