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  1. N

    Can I Cancel Report if Error on Format Event?

    Cancel = true does not cancel the report
  2. N

    Can I Cancel Report if Error on Format Event?

    I have a report with a Format Event on the detail section. Is it possible to cancel the report if the Format Event raises an Error? I have been able to display a msgbox - but unable to cancel the report. Thanks, Nancy
  3. N

    Need a total (zero) from a subreport with no data

    I have a report and subreport. I have a field on the subreport to get the sub report total and a field on the report for the report total - which get added together for a grand total. The problem occurs if there is no data for the subreport - I get #ERROR in my total field for the combined...
  4. N

    Sorting an alpha-numeric field

    Thanks for all the replys. It seems like it will be a major pain! Nancy
  5. N

    Sorting an alpha-numeric field

    I have a field in a query containing alpha-numeric data. I have an "order by field" but I am not getting the results I need. This list represents the way the order by currently works. 3001 3001N 300-4P 3005 300-5B 3005C This is how they should sort: 300-4P 300-5B 3001 3001N 3005 3005C Is...
  6. N

    Need to store spaces as value of text field

    I have a form in which the user enters up to 4 lines of text that will later be used in a report. They need to have the ability to enter either text OR all spaces OR null as the possible values for each line. However when I enter spaces and no other text, Access does not acknowledge the...
  7. N

    Report and preview form do not display the same

    I have a report with a format event on the detail section to set top, left, width and height of 4 text fields based on a font and justification stored in my order details table. I also have a preview form popup on the order form that is supposed to display the data exactly the way it will...
  8. N

    Resize a textbox to fit a user selected font/size

    Thanks for the reply Jim. Your solution is very similar to another one I received earlier. (textbox.fontsize + 2) * 20 The 2 is for the top and bottom margin and the fontsize * 20 = twips. It's always good to have more than one solution. Thanks again. Nancy
  9. N

    Resize a textbox to fit a user selected font/size

    Is there a way to change the height of a textbox on a form based on the fontsize selected from a combobox on the same form? I want to do a preview of a font and font size right on my form, but I can't figure out how to get the textbox for my preview to be the right "size to fit" the selected...
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