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  1. SteveA

    DAO vs ADO

    IMHO - DAO is only still around to appease the many users of Access that have been using Access since the 90's. There are many performance issues that are not well documented, and it's transactional support is quite limited in comparison to ADO. ADO is most definitely the most portable...
  2. SteveA

    Access to Oracle

    While our area uses SQL Server instead of Oracle, we have dedicated teams that are continuously undertaking the process of migrating Access based databases to SQL Server. This process includes the creation of the SQL Server database and associated settings as well as the creation of an...
  3. SteveA


    While this is slow, it will give you the result you want. Add the date field to your query and change the Total value from 'Group By' to 'Max'. This will return you only the most recent record and the date of that record. HTH SteveA
  4. SteveA

    Controlling the Hyperlink control

    I have just implemented the Hyperlink command and am triggering the Hyperlink via DoCmd.acCmdInsertHyperlink. The only problem is that any file I select is resolved to a relative path. Is there any way I can force the control to save the hyperlinks as absolute paths? I really don't want to...
  5. SteveA

    Form BeforeUpdate not firing

    Rich, I am successfully catching the after upate event. Wouldn't this indicate that the form is being marked as dirty? Thanks. Steve
  6. SteveA

    Form BeforeUpdate not firing

    I have an Access 2000 front end database with SQLServer 2000 for the backend. It doesn't matter what code I place in the BeforeUpdate event of my forms, it never fires. Can anyone help? Thanks. Steve
  7. SteveA

    Disappearing Data

    Why not sort the combo box so that all inactive products are at the end of the list. This way the user will see all active products first, and it will still allow information to be shown for inactive records. Doing this and implementing the changes recommended by Pat will allow inactive...
  8. SteveA

    Passing arguments in module function

    A function is generally used to return a value to the calling program. If this is what you want then you can write the following: Function GiveMessage() GiveMessage = "Function is Executed in " & Screen.ActiveForm.Name End Function If you want the function to display a Message Box to...
  9. SteveA

    Database Properties - Custom Tab

    Brian, The following code works under DAO 3.51 and DAO 3.6. Dim dbs as Database Dim doc as Document Set dbs = CurrentDB() Set doc = dbs.Containers("Databases")!UserDefined label_Test.Caption = "This is version: " & doc.Properties!ReplicaVersion Set doc = nothing Set dbs = nothing HTH...
  10. SteveA

    sum problem

    Create the three queries I outlined in the previous email first. The only one you will ever refer to in your code is 'edi_pend_count'. This query already knows how to interact with the other queries. Code your command button to launch the 'edi_pend_count' query. The use will be prompted to...
  11. SteveA

    sum problem

    If your users were never interacting with the queries, how where you providing the parameters for the query. If you simply had a button they clicked which then asked them for these details, then replace the old query with the last query I gave you, and the user experience will be the same...
  12. SteveA

    Named Arguments: How Do I create

    Each value in an enum list contains two parts. These are membername and constantexpression. Membername is the value you want to see in the drop down box. constantexpression is an option value (of datatype long) that represents the true value of your enum (ie you might use the customer number...
  13. SteveA

    sum problem

    While you are using three seperate tables in your query, you only have join relationships between two of them. No relationship has been defined between the edi_current table and the other tables. Accordingly, any record found in the pend_summary table will be shown for each and every entry in...
  14. SteveA

    Named Arguments: How Do I create

    If you are using Access 2000, you can define an Enum in the top of a Module such as follows: Public Enum InterfaceColors icMistyRose = &HE1E4FF icSlateGray = &H908070 icDodgerBlue = &HFF901E icDeepSkyBlue = &HFFBF00 icSpringGreen = &H7FFF00 icForestGreen = &H228B22...
  15. SteveA

    no data handling

    In the OnOpen event of the form you can check to see if there are any records to display. If not, you can cancel the Open event. Sample code: Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount = 0 Then Cancel = True End If End Sub Hope this helps. SteveA
  16. SteveA

    Sort report data with code

    After the DoCmd.OpenReport statement, place the following line: [Reports].[CloseOutIndex].[OrderBy]=txtReptOrderBy All you need to do is replace txtReptOrderBy with the name of the field that holds your sorting criteria. HTH SteveA
  17. SteveA

    What is the matter with this simple code?

    What is the Enabled property of the field CUSTOMERS_ORDERSstatus set to? Cheers, SteveA
  18. SteveA

    Form Security

    By default, Access doesn't come with a built in routine that will identify what group(s) the logged in operator belongs to. You will need to write a custom routine that reads through the User and Group classes. Below is a simple bit of code that will confirm if the current user is a member of...
  19. SteveA


    The following should do the trick: SELECT Costumer.Name, Costumer.ID FROM Costumer WHERE Costumer.Name Like 'Jan*' I haven't tested, but it should be OK. Cheers, SteveA
  20. SteveA

    jump to begining or end of form

    Pressing the <END> button takes you to the last field in the tab sequence of your form. Pressing <CTRL><END> takes you to the last record in your form and <CTRL><HOME> takes you to the first record in your form. HTH SteveA
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