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  1. O

    Annual subscription requirement process

    I know, that this is ages old thread, but anyway, maybe it will be useful for someone. If you need to store licensing info like valid_until_date etc, you don't have to hide it or encrypt it. You can store it in registry or even table. Just pair every value you want to store, with the test value...
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    Delete event triggers for moving files

    OK, it seems that i managed to get it to work, thanks for pointing me the right direction @ebs17 and @AHeyne If it has any use to anybody, here is the code: Public filePathsToDelete As Collection Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer) DoCmd.SetWarnings True If Status =...
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    Delete event triggers for moving files

    I tried filePathsToDelete.Add Me.uxFilePath.Value & Me.uxFileName.Value, gives error: object variable or with block variable not set.
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    Delete event triggers for moving files

    Thanks for replies. @ebs17 The whole delete process is canceled if any of the files is open. @arnelgp Thanks for your demo. But i have no idea how to integrate that demo to my own code. Those scripting.dictionary objects and timers are way beyond my comprehension and vba skill. I´ll keep it as...
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    Delete event triggers for moving files

    Thanks for replies. I try to explain it a bit more. User form is a split form, that shows multiple records. One of the fields is filepath that contains file name and location. User can delete records from that form using standard built-in Access interface (lets say drag mouse over records and...
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    Delete event triggers for moving files

    Well that was the question, how do i get the selected records that are about to be deleted? if it is one record then you can catch that currently selected record in OnDelete event before actually deleting. If there are more than one, how to get that recordset?
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    Delete event triggers for moving files

    I have a bit of struggle with delete events. I have table that consist filepaths and filenames. I need to delete those corresponding files (actually moved, but not relevant) if that record is deleted. if i use before delete event, user might cancel the operation but files are getting deleted. if...
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    Solved ESC key behavior in reports

    Yes, thak you!
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    Solved ESC key behavior in reports

    Does anyone know keyboard shortcut to close report? If my report is in print view, the ESC key works, but in report view, it doesn' t. What am i missing here?
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    VBA Outlook SQL problem

    I really don' t need it anymore but i still have genuine interest so i made demo, let's call it for educational purposes. See if you can make it to work because i sure can' t. I think the items.restrict method is a culprit. Thanks for your time and effort.
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    VBA output report to PDF and email

    In my case, report' s recordsource is the same query that is used in form that is creating the report. No filtering is needed as it is already filtered. Pdf file gets saved in both cases, but in my approach you can choose where it is saved (for let's say archiving purposes). And if you don' t...
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    VBA output report to PDF and email

    You have a weird approach. You don' t actually need to open report. Try it that way: Grab the data from the form to construct file name (quoteref etc.). Use DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport method to save the pdf file. Open email, fill the fields and attach the pdf file.
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    Solved Closing specific folders using VBA

    I assume that the explorer window you want to close is identified by folder path. In this case this code closes the explorer window you want. Edit thetargetFolderPath part in quotes. Sub CloseExplorerWindowByPath() Dim shellWindows As Object Dim explorerWindow As Object Dim...
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    VBA Outlook SQL problem

    I use pop3 not imap. All messages are saved locally in pst file. Unless i don' t move messages myself, the entryID will remain intact. The reason for using subject field to add ID tag, instead of custom field, is that i'm not sure how the custom fields behave in other computers/mail clients...
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    VBA Outlook SQL problem

    I tried that earlier. If two or more messages are received at the same minute, it will not open correct one. But i already changed my solution completely so i don't need that time finding approach anymore. But thank you for your reply anyway.
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    VBA Outlook SQL problem

    I reworked my solution entirely. It's task management app what we are talking about here. Actually a Access template, that i' m now modifying to integrate Outlook to it (importing new tasks form e-mail messages, managing replys etc.). I now store Outlook EntryID in access database and tag the...
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    VBA Outlook SQL problem

    I already tried that earlier. It does not work. The problem is that items.restrict method just won' t work correctly if you use seconds. By changing approach, i meant that i won't try to find messages by date/time anymore. But thanks for the reply.
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    VBA Outlook SQL problem

    Thank you all for your responses. Pat Hartman was right, the problem is how Outlook stores date and time. It may display it correctly but it remains unclear what´s the actual value stored in the internal database. Some even say that it is stored as string. So you end up comparing apples and...
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    VBA Outlook SQL problem

    Tried that. Actually tried all possible formats that i found, and Cdate function as well. The "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" format gives same results.
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    VBA Outlook SQL problem

    Hi, Need a little help here if somebody have experience with manipulating Outlook via VBA in Access. What i need is sub that gets date and time from a form and opens email message received at that specific date and time. Problem is, my sub works, but not always. In Some cases it opens the right...
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