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  1. D

    Using a table without a primary key?

    Hi Everyone, I have been developing a excel workbook/access database system for the last several months and all of a sudden there's been a change of requirements. One aspect of the system is the tracking of telecoms equipment that has been provided to employees. Now different employees may...
  2. D

    Excel VBA using ADO to open Access Database - Authentication failed

    Hi, I am trying to use VBA to open up an access database, enter values into a record from a series of defined names into a temporary table, then eventually run an append/update query to copy this record into the main table. At the moment I am struggling with the first step, which is giving...
  3. D

    VBA DLookup gives Runtime Error '3464'

    Hi everyone, I have been struggling with this control all day - I have a form with a combo box [Employee ID] that looks up the value [Employee ID] from a table called tbl_Personnel_Details This table is linked to another table called tbl_Personnel_Status_Update which contains the field...
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