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  1. RichMorrison

    2 continuous subforms

    change "middle" form I think the simplest solution is this: change the the outer subform (the results/awards) from Continuous to Single form. You can still have navigation buttons and record selectors in the middle form and the middle form behaves like a continuous form. Good luck, RichM
  2. RichMorrison

    Who actually LOVES their job?

    Jobs in Minnesota Gee Bob, can you tell me where you see these Access jobs in Minnesota ? Thanks, RichM
  3. RichMorrison

    What is the best breed of dog for a family pet?

    We have had a good experience over the years with terriers. In general, they are healthy, friendly, and are good indoors and outdoors. We have had 3 Welsh Terriers and all were/are good companions. We got two from breeders and one from animal rescue. They have 'wiry' coats that need grooming...
  4. RichMorrison

    Link to both Oracle tables & access backend

    mlady, Yes, you can use both Access tables and an Oracle database as the back end for an Access front end. I have done this before and it works well. One note: you don't really 'link' to Oracle is the same fashion as you would attach an Access table. You write VB code and use ADO to...
  5. RichMorrison

    1 Date Range with multiple reports / queries

    passing parameters to queries I am coming in to this thread a little late, but what the heck. Using 'Property' procedures to pass criteria to queries is fairly simple, reliable, and flexible. Briefly; 1) Create a module called 'properties'. 2) Make let and get procedures. 3) In your form...
  6. RichMorrison

    Democrats Stop War

    Kraj wrote << I just think that we owe the people of Iraq to leave their country as safe and stable as it was before we got there - if not more. >> That makes sense and seems morally right, but... we don't seem to be making anything safer or more stable. The destabilizers always have an edge...
  7. RichMorrison

    Front End / Back End split - where do you keep your tables?

    FE fixed data Keith, I agree with the opinion that tables should be in the back end, for all the reasons given. But if you are experiencing network traffic problems you could consider this. Put your read-only lookup tables in a separate back end and distribute it to the users. This lets you...
  8. RichMorrison

    Group but do not Sort

    Thanks Bob Yup, that'll do it. Thanks, RichM
  9. RichMorrison

    Design: storing (external?) query criteria in table to be summarized by main query??

    Abby, Quick response with no deep thought. 1) When designing complex criteria I think you should give up the exculde/include idea. Just stick to include. Relational databases work on the principle of positive joins and don't really recognize a 'not in' relationship. 2) Make a permanent...
  10. RichMorrison

    Anyone here a full-time Microsoft Access Developer?

    I coulda beena contenduh Cosmos, I was a full-time Access developer for about 5 years. I was a consultant, BTW. In addition to skills with Access itself, I think a developer should know how to use other back end DBMS such as Oracle or SQL Server. Personally, I used a bit of Oracle. You don't...
  11. RichMorrison

    Group but do not Sort

    Greetings All, The record source for a report is a query. The query selects Projects and, for each Project, all the Activities. The Projects are sorted by importance and by date. Within a Project, the Activities are also sorted by importance and by date. The query works just fine. In the...
  12. RichMorrison

    Spinning through a record set to remove last character

    Buck, Try something like this: NewString = Left$(OldString, Len(OldString) - 1) That will move all except the last character of OldString to NewString. RichM
  13. RichMorrison

    Extra Menus

    The menu is "Tools". It should be visible when you are in the Visual Basic editor window. RichM
  14. RichMorrison

    Database access problem

    Paul, An "LDB" is a file created by Access to manage record sharing and locking. There is one LDB for each open MDB, same name with LDB suffix. Access looks for a matching LDB when you open a database. If it can't find one then it makes one. If the users don't have create rights then Access...
  15. RichMorrison

    Database access problem

    Paul, This is a network rights problem. Each user needs network rights to create and delete, as well as read, modify, etc. That's because Access tries to create and delete the "LDB" on the network folder. RichM
  16. RichMorrison

    What's your best/worst joke?

    Q: What is the difference between Mick Jagger and a Scot ? A: Mick Jagger says "Hey, you, get off of my cloud". A Scot says "Hey, McCloud, get off of my ewe".
  17. RichMorrison

    Page breaks in MS Access Report

    Check the left and right margins of the report and the width you have defined in the report. The usual cause of this problem is horizontal overflow. RichM
  18. RichMorrison

    VBA - output dynamic $ query to excel - $ gets truncated

    Philip, Create a Recordset based on the SQL string you have built. Then output the RecordSet to Excel. There is no need to build a temporary QueryDef. RichM
  19. RichMorrison

    Using VB.Net as a front end to Access?

    Travis, Yes I suppose you could copy some Access Basic code into a VB.Net module. It's quicker than typing. RichM
  20. RichMorrison

    Get recordsource from a report

    Sjaak, Sounds like I don't understand what you are trying to do with the RecordSource of a closed form or report. What are you trying to do? RichM
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