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  1. D

    Appointment Database

    Hi I'm a bit new to all this Access stuff. If you have a look on there is a great contacts database all set up, i am sure you could tweek it to suit. Hope this helps Deborah
  2. D

    Question Auto populate a field in a form? HELP!!

    :D I have a form, which i have created from a table, and set up the table to have a primary key, which in this case is the claim number. I have added a button to create a new record, but it doesn't auto populate a new claim number and i thought it would. Does anyone know what i am doing wrong...
  3. D

    Question Date Stamping Comments - Help (Column History)

    THANK YOU I just want to say a massive thankyou for all you help - i have managed to solve the problem thanks to Jeff at - he tweeked my formula and added a macro to make it work - and it does - its amazing i can't wait to show my boss tomorrow. Thank you all again. (I do have...
  4. D

    Question Help? Please

    Would anyone like to possibly like to design me a simple database, with 1 table, 1 form created from the table, but getting the form to have a comments history within it datestamping the comments entered. I am quite will to pay for this to be done. Please - i am really desparate, thick and...
  5. D

    Question Date Stamping Comments - Help (Column History)

    I really don't know to be honest - i've totally lost the plot on this query. If fact if any one can write me a program - to include 1 spreadsheet table, 1 form to input the details including a comments box that date stamps the comments entered - i will quite happily pay them - PLEASE - I AM...
  6. D

    Question Date Stamping Comments - Help (Column History)

    Hi David I have attached a screen shot of the form in question and the formula. Hope this is will make it a bit clearer. I want to add comments in the top comments box , for them to be recorded and date stamped in the bottom box where the formula is. Hope this makes a little more sense. Thanks...
  7. D

    Question Date Stamping Comments - Help (Column History)

    I looked at that link you sent - even downloaded the pipeline database to replicate it but copying the link just does not work. What does the Then go to your table and click on the memo field - then change the "append to" property to "Yes" (default is no) Should work. mean? do you know...
  8. D

    Question Date Stamping Comments - Help (Column History)

    I know this might sound silly - but when you say remove calculated fields, does that just mean remove/delete the columns that have formulas in? Then upload again? Thanks Debs
  9. D

    Question Date Stamping Comments - Help (Column History)

    How do you know that? am i looking in the wrong place? Thanks again. Deb :):eek::)
  10. D

    Question Date Stamping Comments - Help (Column History)

    Thanks so much for trying. I know i first saw the formula on, i am sure it was a contacts database template. It allows the comments you enter to then be date stamped into a like history field. If you can help in any way or have any ideas i would be grateful I am willing to try anything...
  11. D

    Question Date Stamping Comments - Help (Column History)

    God i am really sorry about this - i have created the blank thing and think i have imported this right. Here goes! Deborah
  12. D

    Question Date Stamping Comments - Help (Column History)

    Hi See this is how stupid i am - its took me all this time to try and suss out out to compact it all - hope this is workable now. Thanks Deborah
  13. D

    Question Date Stamping Comments - Help (Column History)

    Actually it does save Access 2007 on the spreadsheet - here you go, the spreadsheet still needs working on, i know but i think i am nearly there. Your comments on it all would be very much appreciated, its my first time so please be gentle with me. Thanks Deborah
  14. D

    Question Date Stamping Comments - Help (Column History)

    Many thanks for replying. I am trying to add new comments in a comments box, which then fills a history box. Would you like to see what i have done? Would that help. I am using Access 2010. Many thanks Deborah
  15. D

    Question Date Stamping Comments - Help (Column History)

    Hi Firstly i am totally thick - my company have asked me to do this programming data base on Access and i am totally lost - a whizz at Excel but just not grasping Access at all to be honest. I need to date stamp comments that are input on a form - i think the formula i have to use is this...
  16. D

    Tip The Ten Commandments of Access

    Just with regard to these ten commandments - of which i still have to say are over my head - can anyone please recommend a simpletons guide to Access? I am really struggling to understand it all - yet my job seems to be crucial on learning it. Hope you can help me or point me in the right...
  17. D

    Hello everyone

    Sorry - i am just getting this at all - its saying i can't post until if get 10 posts - i just think this is all over my head. my head is totally battered. :D soz again
  18. D

    Hello everyone

    :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: Hey Mate - i am just asking a question i am stuck on and need help on - sorry if someone asked it before like - slight OTT response i think - i admit and being honest whe i say i am totally...
  19. D

    Hello everyone

    Hi I too have just joined today - i am totally thick - my company have asked me to do this programming date base on Access and i am totally lost - a whizz at Excel but just not grasping Access at all to be honest. If anyone is willing to help me i would be ever so grateful, i have totally stuck...
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