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  1. H

    How can i show that a field is required?

    Hi, I have a form with fields, and i want to show that some fields are required. how can i do it best? is there a way that access (2010) can put asterisk or something like that?
  2. H

    How to disable "enter" or "tab" keys?

    Hi! i want to disable the "enter" or "tab" keys in a form, so that if the user press enter or tab on the last object in a form - i wont open a new record for him. how can i do it?
  3. H

    Too few parameters, Expected 1

    SOS. Please help! i have a very simple thing that i'm trying to do. Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Count(*) FROM Flights where Flights.Plane_ID.Value = '" & Me!Plane_ID.Value & "'") rs.Close Set rs = Nothing but i'm getting the error: run time error 3061...
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