The One True Religion (1 Viewer)


Local time
Today, 15:19
Jun 2, 2003
jsanders said:
It's Col and I went to the pub.


WOW!! Does that mean you've kissed and made up.:D



Local time
Today, 15:19
Jun 2, 2003
I've done some research and tho' I can't point to a particular reference as I read a few it would appear that Ken and I are guilty of hypercorrection, and that it is..... like you and me. Like is a preposition apparently in this use and the pronoun is always an object not a subject after a preposition.



If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 10:19
Jun 2, 2005
Rich said:
I thought you'd given up the drink, read what I said again:rolleyes:

That was nearly 18 years ago. I no longer even think about it.


Local time
Today, 15:19
Jun 2, 2003
Congratulations Joe, but we do sell nonalcoholic drinks in our pubs, they just cost an arm and a leg.:D



If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 10:19
Jun 2, 2005
Brianwarnock said:
I've done some research and tho' I can't point to a particular reference as I read a few it would appear that Ken and I are guilty of hypercorrection, and that it is..... like you and me. Like is a preposition apparently in this use and the pronoun is always an object not a subject after a preposition.


Which goes to demonstrate the richness of the English language.

As common usage dictates…so does the language evolve.

I had a friend that was a stickler for 25 year old proper English. But lest we take our lessons from the French (God forbid) we should embrace the fluidity of our language.

Now 200 years after the French elected to freeze their language, English has grown to over a million words while French has something like 170,000.


Brianwarnock said:
Congratulations Joe, but we do sell nonalcoholic drinks in our pubs, they just cost an arm and a leg.:D

One could always go to the bog and get a free drink out of the tap:cool:


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 10:19
Jun 2, 2005
Going back to the original theme.

I was actually less interested in the variations in people’s beliefs but as to where it would lead.

It seams to me that the planet is squaring off on all issues and absolute fanaticism is running rampant.

More and more the society of acceptance seams to be breading “I’m right you’re wrong and, well, maybe it’s time you died for being wrong”.

This problem doesn’t seem to be limited to any particular group, but kind of a general consensus. Lets all disagree as vehemently as possible.


No, just start by banning brainwashing in schools
anyway I thought you were going to bugger off for the day a couple of hours ago?


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 10:19
Jun 2, 2005
Rich said:
No, just start by banning brainwashing in schools
anyway I thought you were going to bugger off for the day a couple of hours ago?

Got my work done early.


Registered User
Local time
Today, 10:19
Jun 9, 2004
Brianwarnock said:
I've done some research and tho' I can't point to a particular reference as I read a few it would appear that Ken and I are guilty of hypercorrection, and that it is..... like you and me. Like is a preposition apparently in this use and the pronoun is always an object not a subject after a preposition.


Good use of the 'and I' rule - :D

Matt Greatorex

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:19
Jun 22, 2005
jsanders said:
Going back to the original theme.

I was actually less interested in the variations in people’s beliefs but as to where it would lead.

It seams to me that the planet is squaring off on all issues and absolute fanaticism is running rampant.

More and more the society of acceptance seams to be breading “I’m right you’re wrong and, well, maybe it’s time you died for being wrong”.

This problem doesn’t seem to be limited to any particular group, but kind of a general consensus. Lets all disagree as vehemently as possible.

I see two possible causes, both connected to the fact of easier access to information.

Firstly, people are more aware of the reasoning behind things that happen (invasions, wars, etc.) and are quicker to latch onto certain words when world leaders explain their motivation. Religion being a highly emotive one. In my opinion, this is due in no small part to the fact that it depends on faith rather than - for want of a better word - logic. When someone is carrying out behaviour one disagrees with and 'justifying' it using their beliefs, it is a lot harder to argue with than if they were doing it foir a reason that could be concusively proved or disproved e.g. WMD.

Secondly - and the option I would like to think is the case - people may just care more, now that they are better informed. Right or wrong, they are so upset by the idea of someone 'ruining their life' by following a set of guidelines that they disagree with, emotions kick in instead of reason. this ties in with my points on #157.

Yes, there will always be people who use religion to deliberately cause unease, but I like to think of them as being in the minority. Unfortunately, history has proven it to be an effective tool, so world leaders are unlikely to stop.

My two cents' worth and no insult intended to anyone.

For what it's worth.


4 strings are enough
Local time
Today, 15:19
Oct 15, 2002
It may be of course that none of the evangelicals on this thread saw the questions I posed earlier and so the benefit of the doubt should be given, but the cynic in me finds it interesting that so far not one has responded.......


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:19
May 9, 2005
BarryMK said:
It may be of course that none of the evangelicals on this thread saw the questions I posed earlier and so the benefit of the doubt should be given, but the cynic in me finds it interesting that so far not one has responded.......

I would admit that I skimmed it but really didn't notice the question being asked so now that you have brought it to my/our attention, then I will answer them as good as I can. I sort of answered at least part of your first question in another post below:

BarryMK said:
I wonder how many of the people here espousing religion can truthfully say that they formed their beliefs of their own free will, at an age when they were (one would hope) able to think for themselves, as opposed to having been indoctrinated from the cradle by parents/family peers/local church/synagogue/mosque/wicca/witchdoctor and so on?

I am one of those folks who's life was in partying, drug, drinking and did not care too much about God and anything He could have done for me, but when I was around 20 years old, I had someone take the time to introduce me to the God of the Bible and now I am one of those simple minded, can't reason for myself, blind christians. What I do know is that my life is not the same and that I would not trade it for anything anyone else could offer me. I believe that many things stated here are misrepresented but I'm not going to spent time debating them because in the end it really doesn't accomplish anything. Hope this makes at least some sense to you.

I think this quote pretty much covers the first question. If not, then post back and I'll go further.

BarryMK said:
Also how many had alighted on a specific religion after critically examining all the alternatives as opposed to blindly following the example set by family etc?

At first I did align with the specific denomination that led me to God, but after I grew more in what the Bible says then I began to seek out a church that taught more in line with what I believe the Bible teaches. I did not "blindly" follow the example set by my family. I personally believe that one of the biggest problems facing Christianity is religion. I also rarely meet anyone who practices what the Bible teaches and that's not to say I'm any better. If they did then I don't think atheist would have the same impression of Christianity that they do. People who are raised in religion learn just that. How to live religious. The God that I read about in the Bible wants a relationship. One that is not based off of "do's" and "don'ts" but rather one that is based on a heart of love and gratitude. When Jesus Christ was on this earth He was asked, by the religious leaders (who hated Him BTW) what is the greatest commandment. His answer was "to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself." How many of us Christians do you see living like that? I already know the answer and that is why I think there is such a misconception of what Christianity really is. unfortunately, us Christians lives are the only Bible some folks read and they don't like how the story goes.


What's this button do?
Local time
Today, 23:49
Aug 2, 2006
jsanders said:
“I’m right you’re wrong and, well, maybe it’s time you died for being wrong”.
You think this is a new thing?
Have you heard of the Crusades?
The Inquisition(s)? (Spanish and others)
Wasn't Jesus' crime heresy?

And how many wars have been fought over "I'm right you're wrong"? (religious or otherwise)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:19
May 9, 2005
Adeptus said:
And how many wars have been fought over "I'm right you're wrong"? (religious or otherwise)

All of them.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 15:19
Feb 22, 2002
KenHigg said:
I didn't mean anything personal.
makes a change:rolleyes:

KenHigg said:
Why can't you be more like this all the time?
I am - in the mornings;)

Anyway, back to the thread.

Why do people need religion to lead a "good" life? surely it should be normal for people to do that anyway. It may be that religion can enhance that (possibly)

But sometimes people get confused and think that its a black and white issue. i.e. if you are a christian (or whatever) you are a "good" person, if you're not a christian you are a bad person.
I have to say though, its only [some] christians I know that subscribe to that. Its built in to their holier-than-thou attitude.

jsanders said:
We were “willing” to come to the aid of Louisiana, but the idiot and his programs demoralized FEMA
I mentioned it because [to the outside world] it appeared that New Orleans was left to fend for itself because it was on "home soil".
The main thing is that the USA does act quickly and many hundreds of people who would have died were saved by the quick response.



ColinEssex said:
I mentioned it because [to the outside world] it appeared that New Orleans was left to fend for itself because it was on "home soil".
The main thing is that the USA does act quickly and many hundreds of people who would have died were saved by the quick response.

And of course it was their own fault for living there in the first place and secondly for not leaving when they were told to. The fact that they were abandoned with no means of transport is irrelevant:rolleyes:


4 strings are enough
Local time
Today, 15:19
Oct 15, 2002
ShaneMan said:
I would admit that I skimmed it but really didn't notice the question being asked so now that you have brought it to my/our attention, then I will answer them as good as I can. I sort of answered at least part of your first question in another post below:.

Thanks ShaneMan. I respect your right to your beliefs athough I can't share them and if it works for you that's great. I'm just not surprised that yours is the only response.

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