Extracting a specified block of characters from a delimited string (1 Viewer)

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Local time
Today, 10:23
Jun 2, 2001
In the process of responding to a post in another forum, I came across this function, which I hadn't used in years.
It allows the user to specify a delimiter and designated block (e.g. 1,2,3) and returns that block.
I don't know if I wrote it (would like to think so) or copied it from an unknown source. A search failed to turn up the function name. If it's yours, please let us know.

Public Function PassbackAnyword(pstrText As String, pintword As Integer, pstrdivider As String) As Variant
'Purpose:   Given a string, a word and the divider,
'           returns the specific word.
'Input:     ? PassbackAnyword("1234*7890*8888", 2, "*")
'Output:    7890

Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim intprev As Integer
Dim varstring As Variant
    'Don't waste your time if the divider isn't in the string
    If InStr(pstrText, pstrdivider) <> 0 Then
        intPos = 1
        intprev = 1
        pstrText = pstrText & pstrdivider
        For intLoop = 1 To pintword
            intPos = InStr(intprev + 1, pstrText, pstrdivider)
            If intPos <> 0 Then
                If intLoop < pintword Then
                    intprev = intPos
                End If
                intPos = intprev
            End If
        varstring = Mid(pstrText, intprev, intPos - intprev)

        If pintword > 1 And varstring <> "" Then
            varstring = Right(varstring, Len(varstring) - 1)
        End If
        'If it's the first word we want then it's all the string otherwise is nothing
        If pintword = 1 Then
            varstring = pstrText
        End If
    End If
    If varstring = "" Or varstring = pstrdivider Then
        varstring = Null
    End If
    PassbackAnyword = varstring
End Function

It eliminates a bunch of gyrations trying to get just that specific block of characters.

HTH - Bob
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