Example of SQL INSERT / UPDATE using ADODB.Command and ADODB.Parameters objects (1 Viewer)


Sr. Application Developer
Local time
Today, 02:46
Jun 23, 2011
There are very few examples to be found on the Internet of using an ADODB.Command with ADODB.Parameters objects to issue a SQL INSERT statement to an Access table. Here is a working example! :D

Public Function Insert() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_Insert

  Dim adoCMD As Object
  Dim adoRS As Object
  Dim strSQL As String

  'Define a query to INSERT a new record into the FE temp table
  strSQL = "INSERT INTO [" & Me.FETempTableName & "] ([partnumber],[title],[qtyper],[oldqtyper],[addpartrecordflg],[doneflg])" & vbCrLf & _
           "VALUES (p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6);"

  'Define attachment to database table specifics
  Set adoCMD = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
  With adoCMD
    .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    .CommandType = adCmdText
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p1", adVarChar, adParamInput, 25, Me.partnumber)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p2", adVarChar, adParamInput, 50, Me.title)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p3", adSmallInt, adParamInput, 2, Me.qtyper)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p4", adSmallInt, adParamInput, 2, Me.oldqtyper)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p5", adBoolean, adParamInput, 2, True)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p6", adBoolean, adParamInput, 2, False)
    .CommandText = strSQL
    Set adoRS = .Execute
  End With

  'Return a good return code
  Insert = True

  'Clean up the connection to the database
  Set adoRS = Nothing
  Set adoCMD = Nothing

  Exit Function

  Call errorhandler_MsgBox("Class: " & TypeName(Me) & ", Function: Insert()")
  Insert = False
  Resume Exit_Insert

End Function
I found lists of Parameters Types here:

"ADO » Command » CreateParameter"

"ADO CreateParameter Method"

And I finally found the list of Type Sizes here:

"Data Type Mapping"

The example which finally worked, just was a bit more elaborate than I needed was found here:

"Problems using a SQL INSERT command with ADODB"
Posting by: "fredericofonseca (IS/IT--Management) 25 Apr 05 12:27"

Update Note: I have updated this post to use Late-Binding syntax to create the ADO object(s). You will also need to use this post to obtain all of the constants ADO utilizes in order to have complete success with Late-Binding.

ADO Constants for use with Late Binding ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library
Last edited:


Sr. Application Developer
Local time
Today, 02:46
Jun 23, 2011
Re: Example of SQL INSERT using ADODB.Command and ADODB.Parameters objects

And posting an example of how to issue a SQL UPDATE using the same technology:

Public Function Update() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_Update

  Dim adoCMD As Object
  Dim adoRS As Object
  Dim strSQL As String
  Dim lRecordsAffected As Long

  'Define a query to Update a new record into the FE temp table
  strSQL = "UPDATE [" & Me.FETempTableName & "]" & vbCrLf & _
           "SET [partnumber] = p1," & vbCrLf & _
           "[title] = p2," & vbCrLf & _
           "[qtyper] = p3," & vbCrLf & _
           "[oldqtyper] = p4," & vbCrLf & _
           "[addpartrecordflg] = p5," & vbCrLf & _
           "[doneflg] = p6" & vbCrLf & _
           "WHERE [aid] = p7;"

  'Define attachment to database table specifics
  Set adoCMD = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
  With adoCMD
    .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    .CommandType = adCmdText
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p1", adVarChar, adParamInput, 25, Me.partnumber)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p2", adVarChar, adParamInput, 50, Me.title)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p3", adSmallInt, adParamInput, 2, Me.qtyper)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p4", adSmallInt, adParamInput, 2, Me.oldqtyper)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p5", adBoolean, adParamInput, 2, Me.addpartrecordflg)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p6", adBoolean, adParamInput, 2, Me.doneflg)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p7", adInteger, adParamInput, 4, Me.aid)
    .CommandText = strSQL
    Set adoRS = .Execute(lRecordsAffected)
  End With

  If lRecordsAffected = 0 Then
    Update = False
    'Return a good return code
    Update = True
  End If

  'Clean up the connection to the database
  Set adoCMD = Nothing
  Set adoRS = Nothing

  Exit Function

  Call errorhandler_MsgBox("Class: " & TypeName(Me) & ", Function: Update()")
  Update = False
  Resume Exit_Update

End Function
For getting the Update method to work, I found this posting helpful: (Specifically the warning)

"Using Parameters with an ADO Command"

Update Note: I have updated this post to use Late-Binding syntax to create the ADO object(s). You will also need to use this post to obtain all of the constants ADO utilizes in order to have complete success with Late-Binding.

ADO Constants for use with Late Binding ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library
Last edited:


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:46
Oct 18, 2012
Re: Example of SQL INSERT using ADODB.Command and ADODB.Parameters objects

And posting an example of how to issue a SQL UPDATE using the same technology:

Public Function Update() As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_Update

  Dim adoCMD As ADODB.Command
  Dim adoRS As ADODB.Recordset
  Dim strSQL As String
  Dim lRecordsAffected As Long

  'Define a query to Update a new record into the FE temp table
  strSQL = "UPDATE [" & Me.FETempTableName & "]" & vbCrLf & _
           "SET [partnumber] = ?," & vbCrLf & _
           "[title] = ?," & vbCrLf & _
           "[qtyper] = ?," & vbCrLf & _
           "[oldqtyper] = ?," & vbCrLf & _
           "[addpartrecordflg] = ?," & vbCrLf & _
           "[doneflg] = ?" & vbCrLf & _
           "WHERE [aid] = ?;"

  'Define attachment to database table specifics
  Set adoCMD = New ADODB.Command
  With adoCMD
    .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
    .CommandType = adCmdText
    .CommandText = strSQL
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p1", adVarChar, adParamInput, 25, Me.partnumber)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p2", adVarChar, adParamInput, 50, Me.title)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p3", adSmallInt, adParamInput, 2, Me.qtyper)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p4", adSmallInt, adParamInput, 2, Me.oldqtyper)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p5", adBoolean, adParamInput, 2, Me.addpartrecordflg)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p6", adBoolean, adParamInput, 2, Me.doneflg)
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("p7", adInteger, adParamInput, 4, Me.aid)
    Set adoRS = .Execute(lRecordsAffected)
  End With

  If lRecordsAffected = 0 Then
    Update = False
    'Return a good return code
    Update = True
  End If

  'Clean up the connection to the database
  Set adoCMD = Nothing
  Set adoRS = Nothing

  Exit Function

  Call errorhandler_MsgBox("Class: clsObjPartsImportWizardTbl, Function: Update()")
  Update = False
  Resume Exit_Update

End Function
For getting the Update method to work, I found this posting helpful: (Specifically the warning)

"Using Parameters with an ADO Command"

I believe my SQL statement is correct now.
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Temp ([CarrierName], [InsuranceCompanyA]) VALUES ('" & CarrierName & "', '" & InsuranceCompanyA & "');"

But I am having issues getting the information to appear in the proper fields. I think it has to do with my End Ifs being in the wrong spots.


Sr. Application Developer
Local time
Today, 02:46
Jun 23, 2011
Re: Example of SQL INSERT using ADODB.Command and ADODB.Parameters objects

I believe my SQL statement is correct now.
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Temp ([CarrierName], [InsuranceCompanyA]) VALUES ('" & CarrierName & "', '" & InsuranceCompanyA & "');"
But I am having issues getting the information to appear in the proper fields. I think it has to do with my End Ifs being in the wrong spots.

frustrating, from the looks of your code I do not believe you are using ADODB.Command and ADODB.Parameters type objects, nor do I see any "End Ifs" in the small code sample you provided.

Perhaps come to the normal Modules & VBA section to receive assistance.

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