passing parameters with command buttons (1 Viewer)



I have a mainmenu/switchboard form where I select a customer record via command button. the record then displays inside a subform on the same switchboard.

Now I want to create command buttons to display purchases, payments, appointments, etc keyed to
the same account number.

I need to set a value that can be read from every other form which will be changed when I return to the switchboard and select a different customer.

In dbase or Cold fusion I would create a public variable and store the customer number. (custno=1) then every form could use a sql query to lookup payments where key = custno

What is the best way to accomplish this? Set a filter globally? Create a memory variable that I can change with a command button? The simplest process I can think of is to pass the customer number with the command button click?

How do you pass information selected from within a form, to another form. I can't have 15 subforms displayed on one switchboard?

This is my first application with ms access.

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