calendars and booking stuff (2 Viewers)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:25
Jun 17, 2002
how do i?......

i'm trying to build a booking document...
i need to be able to see a graphic representation of the calender...
ie a system wher the user clicks on a tab for day of the week and date and is presented with a table containing check boxes for each available time slot and a client id alongside so they can see instantly if a time is availabe or booked...
should'nt be to hard apart from the date part having to be aware of short months and leap years...etc!!!!
any ideas anyone?....... please
all the best ...kimbo


Not wishing to appear negative but unless you want to take on board a very steep and rapid learning curve, your better off looking for a commercially available product:(


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 19:25
Apr 22, 2002
You could use the calender control to choose a date and then run a query to show all bookings and times and use a criteria to show the bookings and times available for the date chosen (i.e. put in the criteria/date choosen in the date part of your query).

You could have a form that is based on that query that has the calender control on it. Or just a form with the calander control and generate a report or another form based on that query.

Without knowing anything else about your data structure that's the best idea I have.

Hope this gives you some ideas!!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:25
Jun 17, 2002
thanks for the input.....i think i may have sussed it very simply!!! (for once!)
i just need to create a record for a day/date and have a series if check boxes to represent the time periods ...which are fixed..... and have a calenderr control on the form to create a new date record or go to the date record if it exists....sound ok?n ....great so how does a novice like me go about achieving this ?

thanks again for the input ....this forum is great!


I figure a Cornishman needs all the help he can get, so if I can find time I'll try and knock up an example db, but don't use check boxes for time slots, either use a combo box to select slots from or a multiple select list box if you want to span slots.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:25
Jun 17, 2002
....why not check boxes?
sounds so simple as far as the end user represents a given time slot....and they dont have to think about it ...just click........guess there's a programatic reason for it hey?
just asking because i'm curious about just about everthing!

like i said at .....i dont understand:
"either use a combo box to select slots from or a multiple select list box if you want to span slots."

so sorry to be a dumb ass but i'm doing my best with macros and nicked code.

bestest regards...kimbo

ps just for good measur ..i need to put a client name/ID into a corresponding time window alongside the "check box" or whatever....
anyhow thnks again.....kimbo
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Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 19:25
Apr 22, 2002
Why not have a ComboBox or ListBox that is based on a query that has a criteria using the date from the Calander.

What I do is create a TextBox and have the date chosen in the Calander Control shown in the text box [Date]

Then create your query to show all booking times and available/unavailable slots by date.

Then in the date fill, Use Build to find the form that [Date] is on and use this syntax.

[Date] or [Date] Is Null as your criteria.

You could then design a form that contains a ListBox to show all the Bookings/time that the Query is is now showing (after choosing a date).

And then once a time is choosen from the ListBox, then that becomes assigned to some-one. (I am guessing you'll choose a person on this form, then a Date from the Calander which will filter the bookings/time ListBox from which you will choose a time which will now "belong" to that person)

Main Form - Calander
Sub-Form - Person and ListBox and other approriate fields - which may or may not require it's own sub-sub-form on the sub-form?

[Don't you just love all the sub-forms?]

I hope this helps! Feel free to attach you db here.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 19:25
Apr 22, 2002
Are there fixed slots throughout a day? Like 8-10, 10-12, 12-2, 2-4?

I guess you could use check boxes to show which slots are booked. BUT you'd also have to somehow add fields to show who the slots are assigned to since if you want to pick an available slot you'll need someway to assign it to the current person?

It's hard to say without, having any idea how your database is structured and what other info you are tracking.

Hope this helps!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:25
Jun 17, 2002
mr cosmos man..... you are a star... i think you've just helped to crystalise the idea i was arriving at. except....and i know its a relational database and i should'nt repeat data, but how about if i write the details of the client straight back to the appointments table? this repeats the clients name and id but helps get rid of all those subforms. ....i have a cunning a form based on a table called appointments....first tab has calender control on the date you want...go to next tab find he date selected or create new record the table contains fields for 24 fixed time slots (20min increments) if its already a date that's been used some of the times will be checked.on clicking on an unused check box a search form opens when you've found the right client ok and return the data to the fields on the appointments form....sound ok to you?
i've got a small framework db (not the real one!) about 500k
maybe i could mail iyt to you?

thanks again....kimbo


Cosmos: you shouldn't have a field named Date it's a reserved word in Access and will cause you problems esp. in vba.
Kimbozzz: having 24 seperate fields for time slots may seem the ideal solution for display purposes, but it isn't for data manipulation etc.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 01:25
Feb 22, 2002
Just to throw in my two pennyworth - it may help.

I had to do a "timesheet" type of form because the user wanted to know how much time they spent doing things - phone,meetings,seeing patients etc.

I just did a form where they select a date (todays is pre selected) and they enter a start and end time. The duration is calculated and the days activities are shown on a subform so that they can see whats been happening.

Any date that is selected refreshes the subform so that the selected days activities can be seen.

Actually having written this, I'm not sure if it does help!! I'll post it anyway.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:25
Jun 17, 2002
thank for all thew inpt.... i'll have to get back onthe case a bit later.....some retouch work just in, is begging for my attention... and it pays more of the bills at the moment than db design....
thanks again and keep this thread going between yourselves.... i'll be back tonight!


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 19:25
Apr 22, 2002

Thanks for the head-up on not using [Date]. I just threw that out as an example and to make it easier to understand what I was trying to convey.


Feel free to post you db here. I do agree with Rich, if you've got 24 time slots, you're in for some trouble. What happened if you start doing 10 min slots? Have 42 time slots on a page?

Instead of using check boxes, maybe you can just show all slots booked for that day and have a list box of available timeslots for the client to choose from?

How about having the Main form have you pick a client and the Calander control on it.

Sub-form then, lists all slots booked for that day or better yet (since I am assuming that to display booked slots you also need to display who booked them), just display availible slots in a listbox tied to the field that holds the slot the client wants.

Hope this helps!

Edit: If you still wanted to show booked slots, you could alway create a query to show booked slots on the date choosen (if you need help with that, let me know) and display that as a ListBox so you'd have two list-boxes, one for booked and one for available??
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