Function in Query won't return Value (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:25
Feb 11, 2009
I have 2 functions, one figures out adding 6 months to a given date. The 6 months added is stored in the variable dt - which is a public variable in a module..however, this function returns a value of "Y" or "N". This function works fine..

I would, however, like to see this date in my query, so I thought I'd create a new function that references the one mentioned above. However, I get a return value in the query of 12:00:00am..

Any suggestions? The 2 functions follow:

Public Function fcn_Add_Time(DOH As Date, FLAG_EXP_DT As Date) As String
Dim time_added As Integer 'amount of months added to DOH
Dim month_plus_time As Integer 'month when time added is added - converted to proper month by select case statement if time added plus DOH month > 12..
Dim year_plus_time As Integer 'year with time added if applicable; select case will determine if +1 needs to be added to the year..
Dim month_day As Integer

time_added = 6
month_plus_time = Month(DOH) + 6
year_plus_time = year(DOH)
Select Case month_plus_time
Case Is < 13
month_plus_time = month_plus_time
year_plus_time = year_plus_time
Case Is = 13
month_plus_time = 1
year_plus_time = year_plus_time + 1
Case Is = 14
month_plus_time = 2
year_plus_time = year_plus_time + 1
Case Is = 15
month_plus_time = 3
year_plus_time = year_plus_time + 1
Case Is = 16
month_plus_time = 4
year_plus_time = year_plus_time + 1
Case Is = 17
month_plus_time = 5
year_plus_time = year_plus_time + 1
Case Is = 18
month_plus_time = 6
year_plus_time = year_plus_time + 1
End Select
Select Case Day(DOH)
Case Is <= 28
month_day = Day(DOH)
Case Is = 31
Select Case month_plus_time
Case Is = 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
month_day = 31
Case Is = 2
month_day = 28
Case Is = 4, 6, 9, 11
month_day = 30
End Select
Case Is = 30
Select Case month_plus_time
Case Is = 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
month_day = 30
Case Is = 2
month_day = 28
End Select
Case Is = 29
Select Case month_plus_time
Case Is = 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
month_day = 29
Case Is = 2
month_day = 28
End Select

End Select

dt = DateValue(month_plus_time & "/" & month_day & "/" & year_plus_time)

fcn_Add_Time = "Y"
fcn_Add_Time = "N"
End If
End Function


'2nd function that I want to reference the above "dt" variable..
'when I enter this function in my query and open query I get 12:00:00am

Public Function fcn_Add_Time_Date() As Date
fcn_Add_Time_Date = dt
End Function


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 23:25
May 23, 2007
you need to make sure that

dt = DateValue(month_plus_time & "/" & month_day & "/" & year_plus_time)

returns a valid date, I'm guessing its not.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:25
Feb 11, 2009
you need to make sure that

dt = DateValue(month_plus_time & "/" & month_day & "/" & year_plus_time)

returns a valid date, I'm guessing its not.

It is. As I explained, the main function works. I can step thru it and see the correct date, and besides, the function assigns correctly the adding of a "Y" or "N" where appropriate.

It is the calling of that other one that doesn't..any suggestions?



Local time
Today, 15:25
Jan 12, 2001
Well, in your "calling" of the other function you would need to pass it parameters. So right now it is getting no input and therefore the output is also "nothing" or 12:00:00 AM.

You would have to pass parameter values:
Public Function fcn_Add_Time_Date() As Date
   Call fcn_Add_Time_Date([COLOR="Red"]SomethingHereForDOH[/COLOR], [COLOR="red"]SomethingHereForFLAG_EXP_DT[/COLOR])
End Function

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