Government and power to civilians (1 Viewer)



jsanders said:
and two of our most ardent enemies are developing nuclear weapons.

Yes those pesky Russians and Chinese, have you seen their invasion plans for the US? :rolleyes:


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 17:51
Feb 22, 2002
jsanders said:
The military is in a near recruiting crisis and two of our most ardent enemies are developing nuclear weapons.
What do you think they're going to do then Josie?:confused: Actually, I'm not sure who you're referring to as you once again avoid any specifics

Remind me how many countries have used a nuclear weapon on another country:rolleyes:

Last edited:


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 12:51
Jun 2, 2005
ColinEssex said:
What do you think they're going to do then Josie?:confused: Actually, I'm not sure who you're referring to as you once again avoid any specifics

Remind me how many countries have used a nuclear weapon on another country:rolleyes:


Do you get the news where you live?

North Korea, and Iran


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 12:51
Jun 2, 2005
Rich said:
Yes those pesky Russians and Chinese, have you seen their invasion plans for the US? :rolleyes:

That's funny, like there was never any real Soviet threat.
That's not to say it was not over sold mind you.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 17:51
Feb 22, 2002
ColinEssex said:
Remind me how many countries have used a nuclear weapon on another country
jsanders said:
Do you get the news where you live?

North Korea, and Iran
Odd that the BBC didn't pick up that:confused: are you absolutely sure??



Rat Race Participant
Local time
Today, 11:51
May 6, 2003
jsanders said:
My point was not that the cost of killing was so high it’s that we didn’t need to go to war (the most expensive endeavor in which mankind participates) in order to visit destruction on terrorism.

In fact, the cost was so high that we are now facing conditions that we are grossly unprepared for.

The military is in a near recruiting crisis and two of our most ardent enemies are developing nuclear weapons.

As Fofa so apply stated, the terrorism that has continued since Iraq is being cultivated within the borders of the intended targets, making a conventional war moot.

I understood your original point that the war has been and will continue to be expensive. I just thought that taking that monetary amount and dividing it out by the number of people killed didn't make a lot of sense...


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 17:51
Feb 22, 2002
jsanders said:
15000 lb Daisy Cutters, and who gives a damn about collateral damage.

ColinEssex said:
and thanks again for confirming our thoughts that the Americans don't give a toss about anyone who gets in the way of their continuing world domination programme.

jsanders said:
No worries, and stay the hell out of our way, if you know what's good for you

Unfortunately these civilians didn't heed your warning quickly enough:rolleyes:




If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 12:51
Jun 2, 2005
ColinEssex said:
Unfortunately these civilians didn't heed your warning quickly enough:rolleyes:



I didn’t see the link, nor am I going to. The honor less "soldiers” of that part of the world use civilians as shields.

If you knew anything about it you would be ashamed to continue ranting about it.

Anti American propaganda is so in fashion now days. Mostly I imagine to mask feelings of inferiority.


jsanders said:
I didn’t see the link, nor am I going to. The honor less "soldiers” of that part of the world use civilians as shields.

If you knew anything about it you would be ashamed to continue ranting about it.

Anti American propaganda is so in fashion now days. Mostly I imagine to mask feelings of inferiority.
Let me just see if I've got your thinking right, you illegally invade a country against the wishes of the majority of the world, innocent civilians get killed, your government and Bush says it's their own fault and you expect everybody else to swallow it too.
Jesus Christ, no wonder so many hate the US., silly me, they just feel inferior:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 12:51
Jun 2, 2005
Rich said:
Let me just see if I've got your thinking right, you illegally invade a country against the wishes of the majority of the world, innocent civilians get killed, your government and Bush says it's their own fault and you expect everybody else to swallow it too.
Jesus Christ, no wonder so many hate the US., silly me, they just feel inferior:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

How we got there and why are not part of the equation. What to do now is the only rational line of thinking.

A continuance to allow insurgence to multiply serves no one. This must be won at all cost, it’s too late to turn back. So if insurgence use human shield THEY are the culprit not us. If they don’t have respect for the lives of their women and children it is their honor that is defective not ours.

Too many times on this discussion forum too many people say that it was wrong to go there and yet have no concept what-so-ever as to how it should be rectified.

It’s just more of the same whiny ranting, about big bad Americans.

If ever you would offer a solution, of any kind, your ravings would have a modicum of validity.


jsanders said:
If ever you would offer a solution, of any kind, your ravings would have a modicum of validity.
It's too simple for you to comprehend, Joesy, put the politicians who started this war on trial for war crimes and incompetence to start with.
Then put Hussein back in charge.
As for the term "insurgency", you've misspelt civil war and Bush and Bliar started it:rolleyes:


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 17:51
Feb 22, 2002
jsanders said:
I didn’t see the link, nor am I going to. The honor less "soldiers” of that part of the world use civilians as shields.
You don't need to see it, its about the US soldiers killing civilians

If you knew anything about it you would be ashamed to continue ranting about it.
I don't 'rant' or (what was that other word??) oh, 'rile' :)confused: ) Its you Josephine that has the gung ho attitude with your "who gives a damn about collateral damage', 'stay the hell out of our way if you know whats good for you' I'm half expecting the classic "nuke the bast**ds" from you.
You give the impression you love war and killing and the US can do no wrong, then you go on about your 'christian' ways??
Then you've got the bloody cheek to critisise Me and Rich???
You Josie, have no idea how the things you say actually confirm the 'propoganda' (as you call it) as being correct.
We read how [some] US people love the war and have this "we're the USA, we're the greatest, get the hell out of our way" attitude. I didn't believe it - till I read your posts.
I merely highlighted it [the link] because there were Taliban fighters killed also, but they were armed if you recall by the USA to fight against the ruskies. Now they are fighting the US.

Anti American propaganda is so in fashion now days. Mostly I imagine to mask feelings of inferiority.
Its not propoganda, its a fact that the USA is the most hated country in the world and as I said before its a very long downward slope from the huge worldwide sympathy and concern and love you had on 9/11 - a slope it'll take decades to climb back up. Christ, in the UK the media is still knocking the US for napalming children in Vietnam.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:51
Apr 5, 2004
As opposed to the war as I was at the beginning and still am. The primary reason is that the impression I got was Bush/Blair seemed to be looking for a reason to go to war rather than having a reason, and their did not seem to be an understanding of the cost i.e that it would all be over in a couple of years, besides throwing petrol on hot embers is not always the best way to put them out.

However we are now faced with the fact that we are there, we have two basic choices.

1) Pull out. As much as I like this option events in Iraq are so stoked up that if we did this even over a period of 18 months to two years. Iraq would collapse and we would have a civil war which would probably end up with Iraq being a Islamic state like Iran.

2) Stay in take the deaths of British/American soldiers try to involve other countries in “peacekeeping roles” ( although none will join in) for the next 5 to 10 years and after 2000- 3000 British deaths 10,000 to 20,000 US deaths Iraq may be a stable democracy. Of course there are major hurdles to overcome before Iraq can be classed as a democracy.

Basically because of the simplistic attitudes we had at the beginning we are now slipping into a war of attrition and will have to pay a very high price in th next few years..


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 12:51
Jun 2, 2005
msp said:
As opposed to the war as I was at the beginning and still am. The primary reason is that the impression I got was Bush/Blair seemed to be looking for a reason to go to war rather than having a reason, and their did not seem to be an understanding of the cost i.e that it would all be over in a couple of years, besides throwing petrol on hot embers is not always the best way to put them out.

However we are now faced with the fact that we are there, we have two basic choices.

1) Pull out. As much as I like this option events in Iraq are so stoked up that if we did this even over a period of 18 months to two years. Iraq would collapse and we would have a civil war which would probably end up with Iraq being a Islamic state like Iran.

2) Stay in take the deaths of British/American soldiers try to involve other countries in “peacekeeping roles” ( although none will join in) for the next 5 to 10 years and after 2000- 3000 British deaths 10,000 to 20,000 US deaths Iraq may be a stable democracy. Of course there are major hurdles to overcome before Iraq can be classed as a democracy.

Basically because of the simplistic attitudes we had at the beginning we are now slipping into a war of attrition and will have to pay a very high price in th next few years..

That about sums it up.

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