Medical Cannabis could prevent 2,000 fatal, 14,000 nonfatal opioid overdose (1 Viewer)


Nothing In Moderation
Local time
Today, 16:16
Oct 22, 2009
That is just for one state. President Obama's home state of Illinois last year.

Discussion: is it time to look at cannabis policy to prevent opioid risks?

And just opioid addiction alone commonly leads to overdose. In just Illinois last year, there were about 2,000 fatal and 14,000 nonfatal opioid overdoses.
US Nationally,
the number is dumbfounding. Unofficial results put the number for fatal opioid overdoses at roughly 62,500 in 2017, according to
The New York Times. This is not a debate for war or guns. Just to put this into perspective: About
58,000 U.S. soldiers died in the entire Vietnam War. For all US shootings (including police actions) Around 13,286 people were killed in 2017.

Clearly, access to medical marijuana for people in pain is one solution for the nationwide epidemic of addiction to... FDA sanctioned opioid painkillers,”

For tens of thousands in this situation, here’s no question: Medical cannabis has helped them regain control of their life without the ugly side effects of opioids — especially physical dependence.

Robert W. Patterson was appointed as Acting Administrator for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA ) by President Obama's Administration.

On May 8, 2018, Patterson claimed total ignorance to Congress.
When asked under oath, his response was that he believes legalized marijuana adds to the substance abuse problem in the country. When he was asked about any proof or study, he said "I don't know".
Also, when Patterson was asked under oath, what he would recommend as an alternative to opioids for chronic pain sufferers, he said “Tylenol.”
To understand his logic, just Google Harrison Act Drugs and Racist. It is easy to find " racist
fiction helped sell one of the nation's first drug aws" the Harrison Act, re-funded every 4 years since 1914 is rich in language based on blatant minority profiling. The DEA's funding is based on the Harrison Act being re-funded.

When pain, suffering, and death is so easily avoidable, why do Americans tolerate incompetent people in powerful positions?

For a free cited history on racism and the war on drugs, go to:
It covers how many innocent people are shot and killed each year by no-knock raids, the overrepresentation of minorities in drug offenses, the government corruption, down to how it supports the Taliban.

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Orthodox Dave

Home Developer
Local time
Today, 23:16
Apr 13, 2017
The overreaction to cannabis in the 20th century led to its being made illegal, not only for recreational use, but even for medical research. And yet, heroin (known as diamorphine) can be prescribed here in the UK. It beggars belief how this could happen. Opium, a highly addictive drug and the basis of all opiates such as morphine and heroin, can be grown and researched and prescribed, whereas Marijuana (cannabis) cannot - or could not before recent years in the USA), yet cannabis is far less addictive or harmful as far as can be seen. Tobacco and alcohol kill far more people and yet are freely available to adults.

This harrowing story shows the sheer illogic of the current situation:-


Longboard on the internet
Local time
Today, 15:16
Sep 12, 2017
You don't have to look to "Racism" or most other justifications for why it is illegal. Look to who profits and how by it being illegal.

Most of these arguments come down to "I'm making money ONE way. Someone comes up with something that will make me loose LOTS of money. I'd better spend SOME to make what they are doing illegal."


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:16
Feb 28, 2001
I remember USA history. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

We should look hard at the Prohibition Era. Hard liquor was pretty much banned. Crime lords ran rampant because the supply diminished but the demand stayed level or even increased. So more money was there to be made. Organized crime made a bundle and nobody could ever get any of the big players on those violations. Al Capone got taken down for income tax evasion because most of the "illegal trafficking" charges wouldn't stick to the "big boys."

That hard ban lasted three years before Congress was pretty much forced to act by their constituency. There was a lesson to be learned, but it seems Congress hasn't read their own history. You CANNOT legislate morality. If people want something badly enough they will get it. One would HOPE that they really wanted success, but some folks just want a respite from pain or stress.

The lessons to be learned, though, are easy. Don't ban MJ. Tax it and inspect it for quality. Get rid of the folks selling poor quality product. Then use the taxes to fund more useful programs to help folks get off of the harder stuff. The thing that makes it workable is simple: If you make it legal but taxed (like cigarettes and liquor) then the government can bring in some income but the price of the product still goes down. That takes away the incentive for kids to steal in order to afford their stuff. You can get high off of discretionary income when the prices take a nose dive.

Now, before anyone decides I've gone stark raving bonkers, I know that there are negative health and social effects on MJ just like there are on liquor and cigarettes. I do not deny it for even a moment.

I'm being pragmatic. Everyone has their own favorite way to descend into their own personal Hell. Sex, Drugs, Rock-n-Roll ... (hmmm, there's a song title hiding in there somewhere.) People WILL get what they want. History has shown that hard and cold FACT so many times that you cannot deny it. Human nature will NOT change.

So ... give them their personal path to Hell but in a way that eliminates some of the dangerous side effects like dealing with drug gangs or organized crime. Assure it is pure enough to not be laced with ancillary poisons. And DON'T let up on the penalties for DWI or other criminal actions for which "under the influence" is not considered a mitigating circumstance. Make THAT part very clear. Then let folks find their own highway to hell. We cannot be our brothers' keepers.

Besides which, it should be clear that after a "drug war" that has lasted over 40 years, there has been no long-term respite. Folks are still getting high from multiple sources and there seems to be no let-up. Jails are getting FULL of folks whose crime is to be a three-time loser on petty drug charges. Time to step back and look at the costs to our society to keep so many folks in jail when they MIGHT be able to actually hold down a job and contribute SOMETHING (however little) to society.

But then, there I go again, ranting off the deep end about a pragmatic viewpoint.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:16
Feb 28, 2001
You are very welcome, Dave, but I have a few skeletons in my closet, though none as bad as HRC. The truth is, the USA isn't ready for me to be president. I am WAY too pragmatic to do a give-and-take with witless politicians. I would probably get miffed and call some representative or senator a total dork-wad (that's the clean version of it) and there would go my ability to leverage anything politically.

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