Report Update Issues (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:59
Sep 15, 2009
This is almost a copy of a post I made from several months ago, with a little additional info, so sorry for the semi-duplication in a new subforum. The issue is that I have a button that executes VBA code to pull together data and then report it, but the report doesn't always update to the current data. What can I do to fix the problem?

The db is split, with the back end being on the network. A button on an unbound form starts everything off. It calls the code to update the back end data, then display the report.

In my earlier post, JBH was kind enough to point me towards giving the database time to 'stabilize' by adding a wait of a few seconds before reporting out, and that did improve things. But it hasn't solved the issue 100%.

If many things have changed, and the button is clicked, when everything is done the report will usually have invalid data. If the button is reclicked in a few seconds, and everything is reran, the report will then almost always be correct.

I may be wrong, but this indicates to me that the probable cause is that the current database state on each local machine isn't being updated to the back end state in a timely manner. If there was a way to 'Update All' between all the background VBA that needs to be executed, and outputting the report, the issue would probably go away. But I haven't been able to find a way to do that.

To give an idea of the work that is required, the following are two snippets from the VBA:

Private Sub CompileAllOpenItemsAgainstProjects_Click()

   Dim response As Integer
   response = MsgBox("Update the BOM master?", vbYesNo)
   If (response = vbYes) Then
      End If
   'This will:
   '  1 - clear the master PendingProjectItems_Compiled table
   '  2 - go through the ToDo items for each BOM item, place them into the ToDoItemsScratchTable,
   '      and then transfer them to the PendingProjectItems_Compiled table.  That table uses texts
   '      instead of numbers for some things, so it can compile different types of objects,
   '      such as tooling and ECNs.
   SetStatusBarMsg "Working"
   'Clear the PendingProjectItems_Compiled table:
   DoCmd.SetWarnings False
   'The following table is a compiled table - it is recompiled, derived data, not new data.
   DeleteItemsFromTable "PendingProjectItemsTable_Compiled"

   DoCmd.SetWarnings True
   'ChangeAutoNumberTo 1, 1, "PendingProjectItemsTable_Compiled", False
   'Before we do anything, we need to update the ECN locations:
   FindNewestEcnLocationsA (False)
   CopyToLocalTable  'In order to get around back end locking problem

   SetStatusBarMsg "Working ... Finished"
   If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
   DoCmd.OpenReport "PendingProjectItemsReport", acViewReport
   End Sub

The code for dealing with the To Do Items is indicative of the rest of the logic.The report data is based off [STRIKETHROUGH] a query which uses [/STRIKETHROUGH] the PendingProjectItemsTable_Compiled table.

Private Function CompileToDoItems()
   On Error GoTo ErrorProc
   'This is called by the CompileAllOpenItemsAgainstProjects_Click event to do as the name implies
   'First, we will go through the master BOM and look at each item and see if there
   'are any 'ToDo' items against them.  We will place them in a scratch table:
   'Clear the scratch table:
   DoCmd.SetWarnings False
   DoCmd.RunSQL "Delete * From ToDoItemsScratchTable"
   DoCmd.SetWarnings True
   ChangeAutoNumberTo 1, 1, "ToDoItemsScratchTable", False
   'Open up the 'BomsTable_Created', so we can see if there is anything against the BOM items:
   Dim db As Database
   Set db = CurrentDb
   Dim bomItems As Recordset
   Set bomItems = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from BomsTable_Created")
   Dim scratchTableRs As Recordset
   Set scratchTableRs = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from ToDoItemsScratchTable")
   Dim toDoItemsRs As Recordset

   Do Until bomItems.EOF
      Set toDoItemsRs = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from ToDoItemsTable Where Item = " & bomItems!Component)
      Do Until toDoItemsRs.EOF
         If toDoItemsRs!PercentDone <> 100 Then
            scratchTableRs!Component = bomItems!Component
            scratchTableRs!Assembly = bomItems!Assembly
            scratchTableRs!ToDoItemNumber = toDoItemsRs!ID
            End If
   Set toDoItemsRs = Nothing
   'Now copy the scratchTableRs into the PendingProjectItems_Compiled table:
   Dim pendingProjectItemsRs As Recordset 'This has been cleared in the CompileAllOpenItemsAgainstProjects_Click
   Set pendingProjectItemsRs = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from PendingProjectItemsTable_Compiled")
   Dim toDoQueryRs As Recordset
   Set toDoQueryRs = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from ToDoItemsScratchTable")
   Dim person As Variant
   Dim personAsNum As Long
   Dim personAsStr As String
   Dim Assembly As Long
   Dim atcoID As String
   Dim atcoSubID As Variant
   Do Until toDoQueryRs.EOF
      Assembly = scratchTableRs!Assembly
      pendingProjectItemsRs!Assembly = Assembly
      pendingProjectItemsRs!AssemblyAsText = DLookup("Number", "ItemsTable", "ID = " & Assembly)
      atcoID = DLookup("AtcoID", "AssembliesTable", "Item = " & Assembly)
      pendingProjectItemsRs!AtcoMainID = atcoID
      atcoSubID = DLookup("AtcoSubID", "AssembliesTable", "Item = " & Assembly)
      If Not IsNull(atcoSubID) Then
         atcoID = atcoID & " - " & atcoSubID
         pendingProjectItemsRs!atcoSubID = atcoSubID
         End If
      pendingProjectItemsRs!AtcoFullID = atcoID
      pendingProjectItemsRs!Component = scratchTableRs!Component
      pendingProjectItemsRs!ComponentNumber = DLookup("Number", "ItemsTable", "ID = " & scratchTableRs!Component)
      pendingProjectItemsRs!Item = "TODO: " & DLookup("ToDoItem", "ToDoItemsTable", "ID = " & scratchTableRs!ToDoItemNumber)
      person = DLookup("ResponsiblePerson", "ToDoItemsTable", "ID = " & scratchTableRs!ToDoItemNumber)
      If IsNull(person) Then
         personAsNum = 12  'Unassigned person
         personAsNum = person
         End If
      pendingProjectItemsRs!ResponsiblePerson = person
      personAsStr = DLookup("FirstName", "PeopleTable", "ID = " & personAsNum) & " " & DLookup("LastName", "PeopleTable", "ID = " & personAsNum)
      pendingProjectItemsRs!ResponsiblePersonsName = personAsStr
      pendingProjectItemsRs!Note = Format(DLookup("DateDue", "ToDoItemsTable", "ID = " & scratchTableRs!ToDoItemNumber), "mm/dd") & " " & _
               DLookup("Notes", "ToDoItemsTable", "ID = " & scratchTableRs!ToDoItemNumber)

   Set toDoQueryRs = Nothing
   Set pendingProjectItemsRs = Nothing
   Set scratchTableRs = Nothing

   Set bomItems = Nothing
   Set db = Nothing
   Exit Function
ErrorProc:  'Simple for now, but could be improved
   MsgBox ("Error occurred compiling To Do Items")
   End Function

If you have any suggestions, please holler!


(Access 2010)
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Well-known member
Local time
Today, 05:59
Apr 9, 2015
This is not possible.
A report will display all data in the query. If not, then your query is wrong.
And you don't need the code above to update data....use update queries.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:59
Sep 15, 2009
Sorry, I was wrong when I said it was based off a query. The report is simply designed to access and use the table.

I don't believe it is easily possible to use update queries for the purposes the code was designed to. Perhaps I'm wrong on that count also.

As an example, just this snippet from above would be difficult, although maybe not impossible, to achieve with update queries:

      person = DLookup("ResponsiblePerson", "ToDoItemsTable", "ID = " & scratchTableRs!ToDoItemNumber)
      If IsNull(person) Then
         personAsNum = 12  'Unassigned person
         personAsNum = person
         End If
      pendingProjectItemsRs!ResponsiblePerson = person

The report needs to display the assigned person, or say 'Unassigned Person' if no assignment has been made. That is the logic to enable that functionality.
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