Recent content by klsblues

  1. klsblues

    Include or exclude records with a Zero value field using a checkbox on a form.

    I have a query that lists products and prices and a form that I use to print Various product price lists. On a form, I select a product group and I can print off the current price list. For certain purposes I want to include zero value sell price (it highlights to me that i need to add the...
  2. klsblues

    Solved WHERE on Allen Browne's ConcatRelated module issue.

    Hi DBGuy, As you can see MajP has solved this for me, but a thank you to you as well - he used your function! Thanks and regards - Kevin.
  3. klsblues

    Solved WHERE on Allen Browne's ConcatRelated module issue.

    Hi MajP Thank you very much indeed - this and the Grid issue you helped me with is brilliant. As I said, I'll take on board the lookup in tables issue and now it's been pointed out, it does make sense! Thanks and regards - Kevin.
  4. klsblues

    Solved WHERE on Allen Browne's ConcatRelated module issue.

    Hi MajP I wasn't aware of the issue with lookups - it's all I've ever known. They are integrated into the main database, so I'll have to have a look at it, but i will take your point on board (after reading your link!) Unless anyone else can help, I'll need to re-think. Thanks and regards.
  5. klsblues

    Solved WHERE on Allen Browne's ConcatRelated module issue.

    Hi everyone, I have hit a brick wall I am going round in circles trying to figure out the correct WHERE part of the Concatenation module from Allen Browne. I need to Concatenate the Qualifications for each candidate, but the query is returning all Qualifications against each candidate. So for...
  6. klsblues

    Solved Schedule grid

    Hi MajP, Works great - thank you very much! I need to give you a break now don't I ! I have attached the V14 DB changes, so that you can see where I've got to with all your help. A long way to go with the DB yet, but I am hoping most other stuff, will be somewhat simpler. Thank you very much...
  7. klsblues

    Solved Schedule grid

    Hi MajP, Thanks for coming back so quickly! They have asked for the 1 combo box to select the time in 1 go and they don’t mind the 24 hr format if it helps. I was thinking of defaulting the combo to 08:00 Thanks again - Kevin
  8. klsblues

    Solved Schedule grid

    Hi there, @Gasman - thanks for your input. @MajP - absolutely brilliant work! I have made the changes you suggested and I have formatted the frmStatus and it works fantastically - so thank you very much indeed. I really am thankful for your time with this. I have been asked if the time picker...
  9. klsblues

    Solved Schedule grid

    Hi Gasman, Thanks for your help. I have added a debug.print and I am going crazy! If I use the Me.JObStatus.BackColor = RGB(235, 12, 5) format, I get no errors (although it doesn't format my fields correctly, as they are all the same colour), but as soon as I replace the 'RGB(235, 12, 5)'...
  10. klsblues

    Solved Schedule grid

    Hi Gasman, I have actually used this; Dim rs As Recordset Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblDefault", dbOpenSnapshot, dbReadOnly) TempVars("ColourRGB01") = rs!ColourRGB01.Value TempVars("ColourRGB02") = rs!ColourRGB02.Value TempVars("ColourRGB03") = rs!ColourRGB03.Value...
  11. klsblues

    Solved Schedule grid

    I have added the TempVars and the rest of the code to OnLoad of the frmGrid, but it errors.
  12. klsblues

    Solved Schedule grid

    The end user has asked me the question, “what if I want to pick my own colours or add another status and apply a colour to that status as you won’t be around forever to add the conditional formatting!”
  13. klsblues

    Solved Schedule grid

    Hi MajP, Thank you very much indeed - works a treat! I have added a date to be shown in the 'pick week' combo, so the week that the selection is on, shows in the cmboDate - it was something an end user picked up on, so I've added it. I have been trying to work out how to use VBA to set the...
  14. klsblues

    Solved Schedule grid

    Hi MajP. I'll take a look next week and see what I can do. Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend. Regards - Kev.
  15. klsblues

    Solved Schedule grid

    Hi MajP, This is fantastic, thank you so much. When I commented earlier about working on it for 3 hours, I had failed to add the 'completed field' into the group part of the SQL code and it kept erroring. I have just added a status column and it has worked a treat! I've also added another...
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