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  1. H

    Problem with trying to open a URL and login automatically

    Hi, I am struggling to find an example of code that will open an URL and login to the site automatically. I am trying to login to this site: id.caspio_com One example shows error at oLogin.value = Username with the error "Object variable or With block variable not set" - run-time error '91'...
  2. H

    Qry excluding a word not working

    Hi, I hope someone can shed a light on this - seems so simple yet the answer alludes me. This works in a form query: SELECT Contact_People.* FROM Contact_People WHERE (((Contact_People.Category)="Accounts")); However, I want to have the record source exclude "Accounts" from the field Category...
  3. H

    Selecting distinct records from table

    Hi, I hope someone can assist. I have a table with the following fields: Contact_ID, Company_ID and EmailAddress. The situation is that the same email address can be associated with 1 or more companies. Therefore the Contact_ID and Company_ID will differ from the same email address. For...
  4. H

    FTP blocking

    Hi, I am struggling to resolve this, and may not be resolvable because of firewall security? I trigger this FTP code to upload a PDF file which has just been generated to my website. If I deactivate my virus protection software, works fine. If not, is blocked. Any suggestions whether there is...
  5. H

    FTP to Upload documents

    Hi, I wonder if anyone can assist me please. The below code works well in my Access Database at work, but somehow not in the same database from home. I modified the code to allow 64bit systems (computer at work), whereas one at home is 32 bit. The file to upload's directory is changed from my...
  6. H

    Creating a query with yearly totals and monthly side-by-side

    Hi all, I have created a query for totals by year, and another for totals by month (and able to select the month in question) Is it possible to create a query which combines both, i.e., yearly totals, and including the months? (potentially being able to select the month in question) See image...
  7. H

    Possible to insert text into pivot query?

    Hi, I suspect this is not possible, but! I have a pivot query that works correctly. This issue is that I would like to somehow insert into a column heading, or even row heading, the data range that I am quering so that when copied and pasted, the user is reminded of the date range the data...
  8. H

    Unzip password protected file

    Hi, hope someone can help! The below code unzips a non-password protected file perfectly. However not for a password protected file. I have struggled to find a solution using the famous search engine. Can anyone help, or at least aid with an alternative vba? Thanks Function Unzip1(ZippedFile...
  9. H

    Finding first time company placed an order

    I am trying to determine the first time a company [Company_ID] placed an order [Order_Date]. I have tried different ways and they are clumsy and do not give the correct result. It somehow seems that there should be an easy way to do this but I cannot figure this out (not being an expert...
  10. H

    How to give a zero value to count if zero

    Hi, wonder if someone can advise? I have the following query which allows me to create a graph. It results in the following results: Test, Interval and Count. However if the count value is nothing, then no Interval is generated and then no data is generated and the graph generates an error...
  11. H

    Pivot table for two queries

    Hi, hope someone may be able to advise! I am trying to join two queries into a pivot table This pivot on one query works: TRANSFORM Count(SampleTestedFor.TestedFor) AS TestedFor SELECT IIf([SampleTestedFor].[Packed]=8,'','LCMS') AS TestGroup FROM ((Samples_List INNER JOIN SampleTestedFor ON...
  12. H

    Open form/record in Microsoft Access from Outlook

    Hi all, Is it possible to have a link in my returned email message that when clicked, will open my Access database and open a specific form with the linked record ID? Thanks
  13. H

    Linking Access to SharePoint folder

    Hi, I wonder if this is possible and if someone can advise? My database generates pdf reports to a folder that syncs through OneDrive to a SharePoint folder. On SharePoint, the pdf is electronically signed and moved to a second folder, where it is synced back to a second folder on OneDrive...
  14. H

    Union for <All>

    Hi, I hope someone can assist I want to include a "catch-all" in the recordsource for a combo box. This works for an Access based table: SELECT DISTINCT rBST.Received_Date FROM rBST UNION Select "All" From rBST ORDER BY rBST.Received_Date DESC; However, when creating the table in SQL, I am...
  15. H

    Running vbs script from Access

    Hi, hope someone can help! I trigger a vbs script (update.vbs) when a form closes, which is meant to trigger a batch file (update.bat). The reason for doing it this way is to keep the process hidden. I have included text messages in both when testing to ensure that each works. When I trigger...
  16. H

    Query for last date of purchase order

    I hope someone can help. I have a table with among other the following fields: Customer_ID and Customer. I have a second table with among other these associated fields: Customer_ID and Ordered_Date. So this second table may have the following entries: Customer_ID and Ordered_Date 112...
  17. H

    Microsoft Access - sort by year-week

    Can anyone help please? I have a group by query and trying to have the result sorted by year-week. Tried Val(Right(Format$([Order_received],'yyyy/ww'),Len(Format$([Order_received],'yyyy/ww'))-5)) If my query tests for the date range from Nov 2020 till May 2021, if I sort by week only, then last...
  18. H

    Compose If statement with fields from recordset

    Hi, I wonder if anyone can help please. I have the following statement: If rsAct("InvoiceLine_ItemRef_FullName") <> "Discount" _ And rsAct("InvoiceLine_ItemRef_FullName") <> "URGENT" _ And rsAct("InvoiceLine_ItemRef_FullName") <> "Courier" Then...
  19. H

    Access VBA linking to Sharepoint directory

    Hi all, Hope someone can help - I have exhausted looking for a solution! At present my Database creates a pdf report from a result and saves it to a OneDrive directory, which uploads the file into Sharepoint. I would like to save the file directly to Sharepoint but have not fathomed out how...
  20. H

    Problem attaching string value to a variable

    I am lost solving what should be a simple problem. I have the following coding: sbody = "Dear Customer" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Kindly send a Purchase Order for the following" A debug.print shows: Dear Customer Kindly send a Purchase Order document for the following However when...
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