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  1. T

    Add a nickname to any member, and have that display in the main nav.

    I like to know who I'm talking to, but some users choose names that hide their identity. They should be able to do that, no problem. But it would be nice if I could add a nickname to any user's name, to remind me of who they are. This would not breach confidentiality, no user is required to...
  2. T

    How to unselect a dropdown in the Ribbon

    NW2 Dev Edition has a ribbon with a dropdown showing MRU items. I'm re-using that concept in my own app. When you drop it down and select the same item as is already selected, the Change event does not happen; no event happens whatsoever. If it was a textbox, you could Invalidate the control and...
  3. T

    Find works differently for combobox with value list

    The Find feature works differently for combobox with value list and with query. See attached for a form that implements it both ways. MSFT has indicated they are willing to reconsider that behavior, which is NOT a guarantee it will be changed. The question is: for the value list scenario, do you...
  4. T

    How to detect a mouse click outside of a Popup form

    I'm writing a tool window, a filter form for Continuous Forms, similar to what MSFT implemented for Datasheet (the downward pointing triangle). If you use that feature in Datasheet, and you click outside of it, it disappears. Of course MSFT's version is not an Access form, but something fancy...
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