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  1. S

    Solved Display the corrct Heading in pivot Query

    yes thank you very much
  2. S

    Solved Display the corrct Heading in pivot Query

    I have a query which displays all sold products total correctly, but the heading is the product code NOT the product name TRANSFORM Count(tblPayments.Product_ID) AS CountOfProduct_ID SELECT "Total Count" AS Remarks FROM tblScale INNER JOIN tblPayments ON (tblScale.AMOUNT =...
  3. S

    Acces Runtime still showing the control "x" on the right top

    I used now your code from the actual selection, ********************************************************* Private Sub cmdAppWindow_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Handler If Me.cmdAppWindow.Caption = "Show Application Window" Then 'can't do this if form maximized & fills screen...
  4. S

    Acces Runtime still showing the control "x" on the right top

    Sorry,my mistake, will research again, Many thanks Sepp
  5. S

    Acces Runtime still showing the control "x" on the right top

    I have added the following code (from your sample) into the load event **************************** On Error GoTo Err_Handler Me.cmdRestore.Caption = "Maximize Form" cmdRestore_Click Me.cmdTaskbar.Caption = "Hide Taskbar" cmdTaskbar_Click UISetRoundRect Me, 0, False...
  6. S

    Acces Runtime still showing the control "x" on the right top

    it does not let me, it brings up a box "Stop all macros" and the only option is to do it. I can't test it, sorry Sepp
  7. S

    Acces Runtime still showing the control "x" on the right top

    thank you very much, yes i have a form as attached. Thank you Sepp
  8. S

    Acces Runtime still showing the control "x" on the right top

    thank you very much, but in which part of the main windows does it go Thanks Sepp
  9. S

    Acces Runtime still showing the control "x" on the right top

    ok and how can you disable it Many thanks Sepp
  10. S

    Acces Runtime still showing the control "x" on the right top

    i have removed the tool bar with **** DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarNo" and 'Me.Caption = " " **** but it still shows can i remove this? Thank you ver much Sepp
  11. S

    Solved Create a query to find number of items in a table

    This is perfect just what i needed, Many, many thanks Sepp
  12. S

    Solved Create a query to find number of items in a table

    I have a table (see below) which has field "Product_ID", ( numbers 1 to 7). I would like to create a query to give me in seven field the count of each product. I tried but failed. Thank you Sepp
  13. S

    Solved how to remove the file and search bar in access runtime?

    Thank you so very much, works like a charm Sepp
  14. S

    Solved how to remove the file and search bar in access runtime?

    I got the runtime settings correct, but my form still displays the FILE + search bar . how can i hide it? Many thanks Sepp
  15. S

    Hi George, how can i get a copy of the starter version?, a long time ago i was reasonable good...

    Hi George, how can i get a copy of the starter version?, a long time ago i was reasonable good in acces programming (SQL remote), but that was 30 years ago, now i have forgotten most of it, but i would like to refresh my skills again, Many Thanks Sepp
  16. S

    Solved setting a date automatically in VBA

    Thank you very much, it works exactly as i wanted it to work Many, many thanks Sepp
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