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  1. Guus2005

    Results pane in SSMS shows output and Return Value from which query?

    USE [databasename] GO set nocount on DECLARE @return_value int EXEC @return_value = [alg].[spGenerateFile4Process] @Outputfile = N'c:\temp\somefile.csv' GO A stored procedure is called and below is the result: Is there a way to change the name of the column "output" to...
  2. Guus2005

    Import must be read as-is into a table.

    I allways thought that when i import a table in SQL Server the file was imported as i was presented. File: This is a file in which the sequence is very important. But i am having doubts as to the truth of that statement. And if it is not, how can i make sure that it is? I am using this...
  3. Guus2005

    Fast Code Sample

    While looking for fast code i found this one sitting in a forgotten directory on my NAS. It has a different way of addressing a field in a recordset. I don't know where i got it from but here it is: tblStatus had 85K records in the sample database. DoitSlow took 1000msec DoitFast took 200msec...
  4. Guus2005

    Collection.Add doesn't create new item but adds to item1

    I have a lot of concatenations to do so i used a class to do that more efficiently. clsBuildString It uses a collection to store every string and then joins everything together. Which should be faster than x = a & b & c. When i debug the code i notice that new items are not created and all...
  5. Guus2005

    Regex question

    I have a problem and i want to use REGEX to fix it. Now i have two problems, i know. The solution is simple: Remove all double quotes not directly preceded or directly followed by a semicolon. The problem is that i have 3000 csv files which need to be checked and corrected if the following...
  6. Guus2005

    Fast way to cut a long string

    i have a long string of about 1500 characters. i need to cut it in 15 pieces First from 13 length 12 Second from 25 length 200 Third from 290 length 34 Fourth from 450 length 10 Fifth from 460 length 2 etc. I know that there is a way to use mid or mid$ ofcourse i don't want to use the mid...
  7. Guus2005

    Solved Broken references

    I have an application written in Access 2013. Ported to Office 365 64 bit. In that application there is a reference to the Word Library 16. I had some complaints about the application and when i opened the application in Access 2013 i saw that the reference to Word was broken. I added a...
  8. Guus2005

    Left Join vs Inner Join

    If a left join produces the same result as an inner join which is the better choice? Which one is faster?
  9. Guus2005

    Fastest way to write to a text file

    I need to write about a million records to a text file. There are several ways to accomplish this. I need the fastest ofcourse. Method #1 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set a = fs.CreateTextFile("c:\testfile.txt", True) a.WriteLine("This is a test.") a.Close Method #2...
  10. Guus2005

    use batch file to set global variables

    How can i use a batch file to set a variable so that it doesn't vanish after the script is done? rem File1.bat set variable1=foo rem File2.bat echo %variable1% When i run File2 after File1 variable1 is not recognised. So the scope of variable1 is only within File1.bat present. How can i...
  11. Guus2005

    The fastest way to import over 2000 csv files

    Wat is the fastest way to import 2300 similar csv files into an Access table? There is a number of ways to accomplish this. I need the fastest. Thanks for your time!
  12. Guus2005

    Importing CSV files in a new to be created Access database

    Hi, I need to import 2 csv files which increase my database to almost 500MB. A primary key needs to be added to both tables and an index. After that i connect the tables to currentdb, perform a few checks als disconnect the tables and drop the database. So i've come up with this solution: I...
  13. Guus2005

    Automated Testing of an application

    Hi, Do you have experience with automated testing of an Access (or Excel) application? And if yes, how do you accomplisch that? Thanks for your time!
  14. Guus2005

    Solved Validation problem

    Windows 8, Office 2013, 32 bits My code gives an error on the ".Add" line. Can't figure out why. The error is 1004. Which doesn't give me any information. Unfortunately. Anyone? Public Sub GegevensValidatieAantalUrenMaand(ByVal rngTarget As Range) ' ' GegevensValidatieAantalUrenMaand Macro '...
  15. Guus2005

    Solved How to count the number of instances of a class?

    Howdy, Some time ago i posted this. A class to turn the hourglass on and off again. Option Explicit ' ' clsHourglass ' ' This class sets the hourglass on and off. Also when you forget to turn it off. ' Private Sub Class_Terminate() HourGlassOff End Sub Public Sub HourGlassOn()...
  16. Guus2005

    MZTools Quality Review

    I am using MZTools for quite some time now and i recently started to use the Quality Review. If you run it the result will look something like this: You can add your own rules. I added the one that optional parameters must have a default value. Now i am looking for a way to detect...
  17. Guus2005

    Office 365 and Cloud error 052

    I have taken over a small Excel application to store Child Care information; Who is here, when and how much money do i get. When they install the app on a system with a full office version there is no problem. However when they install it on office 365, some, not all, clients get an error...
  18. Guus2005

    repeating code under each worksheet

    Hi there, I have a workbook with 12 worksheets. The code for every worksheet is the same. A subset: Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() gstrPrevSheetName = ActiveSheet.Name End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) TabChange Target End Sub In Access you can use...
  19. Guus2005

    OS Detection

    I want to be able to detect if my application runs on Windows, Linux, Apple, Chromebook, Android, ... Thanks!
  20. Guus2005

    End is a showstopper

    Just dropping it here: FYI: I didn't know it and never used it but the End statement is a real showstopper. Public Sub trythis() As Boolean On Error GoTo trythis_Error Debug.Print 1 / 0 On Error GoTo 0 Exit Function trythis_Error: End MsgBox "Error " &...
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