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    Hi How to make Numlock to be always on in Access
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    Stored procedure

    Right. I establish conn sucsessfuly, sql file is ok and is cheked in mysql workbench. The problem is in sql file and maybe mysql version on server. The questionis how to fix it
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    Stored procedure

    Hi I have a little problem..Trying to update field in ODBC linked table from Local table. Here is my code..see pict Code when code reach cmd.Exceute I got this message...see pic Error My sql file in store procesure is ..see updatekolicini.sql Any sugestion or help Thanks in advance
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    Access w/SQL Linked tables Slow/not responding started today

    let put it this way...I have three PC working on front end and adding some data to local tables and when they finished, they transfer the data into ODBC connected table in MySQL server..tranffering this data is slow. I use append query from local tables to ODBC linked table.
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    Access w/SQL Linked tables Slow/not responding started today

    Hi..I have the same problem, slowdown from local table to MySQL server, with querries... Any idea how to fasten it?
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    Transferind big amount of data

    After that going back to my frontend file and connect new table with ODBC and that is. Delete local table..this is the fastest way by now. All about 5 min
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    Transferind big amount of data

    All I do is folowing: export data from my local table to Excel file which is few seconds. I oppend Excell file and than Save as OpenDocument Spreadshhet on my PC. Then go to MyPHPAdmin and there is option Import. I import file OpenDocument Spreadshhet with cheked "My file has column" and again...
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    Transferind big amount of data

    I am not keeping append query for myself. It is usual query generated by Access. As I said, it is about transfering data from local table ( only one table) of my PC to ODBC connected tabel. If you want it I can send you SQL lines..nothing are not goig from one SQL server to...
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    Transferind big amount of data

    No, but is much slower than what I explained
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    Transferind big amount of data

    I was using append query, one local table to another ODBC table. 20000 records transfered in about 3 hours. So what about 100.000 records?. . I was experimenting with more option as in Xml, Exel, csv but finaly did it with OpenDocument spreadsheet. I was transfering data to myPHP Admin in...
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    Transferind big amount of data

    Here there was not such possibily..I cheked all before this step.. this is fastest way of transfering big data from local table to Odbc table on HostGator myPhpAdmin database
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    Transferind big amount of data

    Well...finally I found the fastest way how to transfer data from local Access table to ODBC connected table. First I export data to Excel, then from Excel I exported to OpenDocument Spreadsheet, then Import as OpenDocument Spreadsheet into ODBC need only few seconds...Thanks to all...
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    Transferind big amount of data

    In Access there is an Export to XML, I exported table to xml on desktop, in HostGator, MyPHPAdmin there id option Import from XML, I imported from XML, and it says succsesfully imported, but I cannot see where it is imported...and of course i first chek the table where it to be imported..I can...
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    Transferind big amount of data

    too slow means about two hours for 20.000 records.
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    Transferind big amount of data

    Hi I have database and tables in HostGator and it is connected trough ODBC. Everything is fine. I want to transfer several thousand records from local tables to ODBC connecetd tables. I was trying using Access append Query but it is too slow. What is the fastest way to transfer data from local...
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    Database on HostGator

    Hi I created a database in HostGator, in PhpMyAdmin, and conneted through ODBC with my Access frontend app. My question is how big can this database be in size of MB, becouse I intend 8 pharmacies to be connected on it. For your info, one Pharmacies working for two years, backend database was...
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    Using Zebra for fast inventory

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    Using Zebra for fast inventory

    hello How can ZEBRA be used for fast inventory in microsoft access.
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