Opening a form with a control button (1 Viewer)



I have a non-profit organization that has both members and donors. All people with an association to the organization have their names and addresses in one table and this use one form. From the form previously mentioned, I want to open one form to enter a memeber's information and one form to enter a donor's information. I would like to open only the form for an individual that is picked on the form that is for all people associated with the organization. I would like the first and last name information from the first form to automatically transfer to the second form. This information is in two fields. This would remind the data entry person who they are working on. The Primary key in the main table is an autogenerated number. The primary key for the next tables are also autogenerated numbers. I am thinking I'd like to open the form with a control button.

Simon C

New member
Local time
Today, 04:57
Oct 1, 1999
Your post implies that as well as your main table of people you will have two other tables, one for members and one for donors.

Have you considered having a single table of people, with a field classifying them as, for example, 'members' or 'donors', and then to record donations have a table for donations, that contains a field 'DonorID' which links to an individual in the 'People' table?

That said, if you wish to go down your current path, then in the event for the button you would need:

DoCmd.OpenForm "Name of Form to Open", , , , acFormAdd

Forms!NameOfFormOpened![FirstName] = [FirstName]
Forms!NameOfFormOpened![SecondName] = [SecondName]

This opens a form in 'Add' mode, then sets the FirstName field = to the FirstName field on the initial form, then the same for the SecondName.

Hope that helps.


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