Recent content by 4myfreedom

  1. 4

    If then statement for a query

    It's been awhile so I really have forgotten the basics. My apologies. I want to "filter" a field in a query that a report uses. If the field contains a "0" (zero) I don't want that passed to the report for that field (i.e., a "") should it contain text, then I want it passed through. How do you...
  2. 4

    Not show SubReport if no data

    How do you make a "Sub Report itself Can Schrink set to yes" I am using 2003 version?
  3. 4

    Gaps between sub-reports on Main report

    I have a main report which contains several subreports in rows that are lined up (one directly below one, then another, and so on). If there is no data in one of the middle reports, I want the subreports below it to move up (so that there is no gap in between) Anybody, please help!
  4. 4

    Technical Advisor

    Hello everyone, I'm having some troubles with a DB I wrote (self taught), and hopefully you guys can show me the way...
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