Recent content by Abo Abd_Allah

  1. A

    i replied for your question in your link i hope this can help you

    i replied for your question in your link i hope this can help you
  2. A

    how can change direction custom shortcut menu from leftToReight to RightToLeft

    thank you arnelgp your code work good in change Form's Orientation but it's not change shortcut menu Orientation i asked if shortcut menu has Orientation property? or we can make this property and give it to shortcut somehow! any idea
  3. A

    how can change direction custom shortcut menu from leftToReight to RightToLeft

    Hi All i make my custom shortcut menu by use commandbar element i try now change it's direction to right to left are this possible?! thaks
  4. A

    problème de mise en route d'une application Access

    change this word "cdate(Now)" to "date()" changer ce mot "cdate (Now)" en "date ()" Si ce code ne fonctionne pas correctement, le programme a besoin d'une référence qui n'est pas présente dans la nouvelle version. Ouvrez les références et voyez si vous en trouvez une corrompue - ou peut-être...
  5. A

    Create Folder using field data

    you can write code with few line as this: If len(dir("C:\HOA", vbDirectory) & "") = 0 then mkdir("C:\HOA\Directories\FoxMeadowsWest") Else 'write here what you want happen after create folder 'and move your PDF to the folder End if test code and tell us what happened good luck
  6. A

    you can use dmax function for select new date

    you can use dmax function for select new date
  7. A

    Please put your question link here for i can follow it

    Please put your question link here for i can follow it
  8. A

    retrieve numeric part of string

    Put this in new module Function ExNumFromTxt(ByVal mystr As String) Dim y As Integer, h As Integer 'mystr = "Year 2001 Mileage 2500 m/h Power " '================================ On Error Resume Next Dim ary() As String Dim I As Integer ary = Split(mystr, " ") For I = 0 To UBound(ary) If...
  9. A

    I want Help for passing parameter to function from shortcut menu

    thanks for your reply again, the problem is fixed. with god goodnees, i type code as this DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, repname, acFormatXLS, savPas, Trueand all things work good now! thanks again.
  10. A

    I want Help for passing parameter to function from shortcut menu

    i don't put this extension to report name, but to path save path, if you print the code to immediate window will see the different. thanks alot for your reply
  11. A

    Modules to Hide and Show Ribbon & Backup database BackEnd

    any name you want yes I said that in my previous reply
  12. A

    Modules to Hide and Show Ribbon & Backup database BackEnd

    put this code in module and call it from anywhere like this 'for hide DisplayHideNavPane false 'for show DisplayHideNavPane true
  13. A

    I want Help for passing parameter to function from shortcut menu

    thanks alot i think This code is also valid Application.CurrentObjectName I have another problem i receive this error message when export to excel
  14. A

    I want Help for passing parameter to function from shortcut menu

    Hi All I use this code to display a shortcut menu of reports when I click the right mouse button But I want to pass the name of the current report to this routine so that I can export the report to Excel Dim cmbRightClick As Office.CommandBar Dim cmbControl As Office.CommandBarControl...
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