Recent content by Allen90

  1. A

    Filter data between two dates within a form

    Oh, so basically I need to rely my filtering form to the one being filtered when both are "under" the same table, right?
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    Filter data between two dates within a form

    well its a field ment to display only a record and all of that form fields are locked. and that field (field12) is in another form which it's source is from it's table (my datebade)
  3. A

    Filter data between two dates within a form

    private sub command11_click() Dim strWhere As String strWhere = "[field12] Between " & Format(Me.StartDate1, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#) & " And " & Format(Me.EndDate1, "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") DoCmd.OpenForm "commprob", acViewNormal, , strWhere end sub
  4. A

    Filter data between two dates within a form

    Well, it's kinda the same jleval wrote, only difference is that I wrote it in the Code Builder of the button, and didn't do that thingy with the visible something false cuase I'm now to this and wasn't sure if it was that neccacary. And I'm not sure I know what SQL is or how to get there. so...
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    Filter data between two dates within a form

    does not work for me it keeps giving me all the record regardless to the values, and always asks me to enter a parameter to my [datefield] can someone tell me what am I doing wrong here?
  6. A

    compering between current record to previus record

    I think I got the hang of it :) well thank you all, I'll be following your instruction now!
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    compering between current record to previus record

    thenks :) so now I have my current date (date[ID]) and my previus date (date[ID-1]). is compering them while in a ShortDate formet velid? and how can I use specific parts of the dates, day alone and months alone?
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    compering between current record to previus record

    yes, the records are numberd with an ID
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    compering between current record to previus record

    Hi everybody! So I got this problem where I need to compere between the date I entered in my current record to the date I ebtered on my previus record, I have no problem using code, but I am new to access (2007). I'm using a ShortDate input masking, how can break it down and compere between...
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