Recent content by anthonyevans

  1. A

    command for close form and open the switchboard ?

    Dear All, What is the line of VB code for opening the switchboard so it appears on the screen instead of having to scroll to the top to see it again, to be included in the following ? Private Sub Command194_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Command194_Click DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar...
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    *NEW* invalid use of null error

    Dear AlanS, I seem to have figured out solving the problem by putting the 'DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70' piece of code above the DIM statements. Seems to work now. Thanks for your help, Anthony
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    Why 'invalid use of null' error on one PC and not another?

    Dear All, This is very frustrating. On my PC at work my database works fine with no 'invalid use of null' errors reported on my forms. BUT, when i get home and run the exact same database i get this 'invalid use of null' error and it's driving me crazy ! HELP !!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou in advance...
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    *NEW* invalid use of null error

    Dear All, I am getting an 'invalid use of null' error on clicking the button with the following underlying code. What is the problem here ? Private Sub accidentreport_Click() On Error GoTo Err_accidentreport_Click Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String Dim c, d As...
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    invalid use of null

    Dear All, I am getting an 'invalid use of null' error on clicking the button with the following underlying code. What is the problem here ? Private Sub accidentreport_Click() On Error GoTo Err_accidentreport_Click Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String Dim c, d As...
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    close form code

    thankyou very much charityg, it worked a treat.
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    close form code

    Dear All, where in the following code and what is the actual code for closing the form that this code resides in. The form to close is TREATMENT FORM. Your help would be most appreciated. I know the code isn't the most effiecient way of doing this but for now all i want is my question above...
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    Save form, Close, Print Report and goto another form all in one button ?

    Thanks ElsVanMiert for your help but i'm afraid it's just confusing me more as i'm only a beginner. Can I ask instead how and where I insert the code to close the form that this code is on i.e. TREATMENT FORM Private Sub accidentreport_Click() On Error GoTo Err_accidentreport_Click Dim...
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    Save form, Close, Print Report and goto another form all in one button ?

    Dear All, I know this is a bit long winded but it might be the best way to express the problem. I need a button that will save the current data, close the form, print a report and goto to another form. I have the code for all three in seperate buttons but need to combine them into one. Here is...
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    customise warnings on wrongful data entry

    never had doubts. that's what makes this forum so great! great people, great help. a six pack would be fine! Anthony
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    customise warnings on wrongful data entry

    Thank you so much Rich. It works !!!!! I owe you a beer ! Best Regards, Anthony
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    customise warnings on wrongful data entry

    Thanks Rich I reckon we're almost there ! Do I put that code into the On Exit Event handler for my particular field on the form. Thanks for your kind help and patience !
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    customise warnings on wrongful data entry

    Thanks Rich, yes I did find out it was that code but now how do i find out where that error code is stored in my database so that i can change the warning text. Anthony
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    customise warnings on wrongful data entry

    Sorry Rich for being a pain ! I've downloaded the code database and had a look. Now my problem is that for example in a date field that has been with medium date i want a warning that i have customised to come up telling the user how exactly to enter it. The warning that presently comes up...
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    customise warnings on wrongful data entry

    Rich, Where do I find these error messages and codes ? Anthony
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