Recent content by Atomic Shrimp

  1. A

    How best to manage date/milestone-specific data + applying to continuous transactions

    Dave, that's fantastic - thanks so much. The getpromocode function you created can be called directly in a query, so it's still possible to do in a single step. Excellent!
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    How best to manage date/milestone-specific data + applying to continuous transactions

    This is my sample database... if you're interested in experimentation (I'd be interested to see whether this just works for people in other locales anyway)
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    How best to manage date/milestone-specific data + applying to continuous transactions

    Thanks Dave - I need to do this in a query though. Not sure how to apply the above... I think something is fundamentally broken about date handling here - I just tried checking each part of the date separately, like this: Expr5: DMin("[promoname]","[promotions]","Day([PromoStartDate]) <= " &...
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    How best to manage date/milestone-specific data + applying to continuous transactions

    Thanks - I tried that, but I'm still getting the same (wrong) results.
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    How best to manage date/milestone-specific data + applying to continuous transactions

    I cannot for the life of me get this to work. To keep things clean, I've created separate database for testing, containing the following tables: Promotions: PromoID PromoStartDate PromoName 1 01/01/2011 January Madness 2 01/02/2011 Valentines 3 01/03/2011 Mad March Hare 4 01/04/2011 April Fools...
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    How best to manage date/milestone-specific data + applying to continuous transactions

    I'm having trouble getting this to work consistently - I think it's because of date format constraints. My expression is: DMin("[PromoCode]","[tblPromotions]","[DateEffective]<=#" & [TrDate] & '#') Which should mean: find the Promocode for whicand it returns a value for every row, but it's...
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    How best to manage date/milestone-specific data + applying to continuous transactions

    Absolutely! I expressly don't want to store both, as I would then have to manage for gaps and overlaps That's perfect. Thanks!
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    How best to manage date/milestone-specific data + applying to continuous transactions

    Sure, but the problem is that the table describing the promotion periods only contains their endpoints. How can I build a query that determines which promotion period was active for any given transaction?
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    How best to manage date/milestone-specific data + applying to continuous transactions

    I know how to do this in theory, it's the practical outworking of it that I can't seem to get my head around. There's a table of incoming transaction data, to which new records are continually being added. A succession of sales promotion periods takes place. They are of variable duration, but...
  10. A

    Problem with hyperlink URL length

    Thanks - yeah, I'm already using Outlook automation like that for the bulk of sending individual messages with atached documents direct out of the system with no user interaction to the message - I guess I was just being lazy trying to do this blank message thing with a hyperlink.
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    Problem with hyperlink URL length

    That's all I want it to do, for this particular function - to create a blank, pre-addressed email, ready for the user to type an ad-hoc message to the selected group of recipients.
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    Problem with hyperlink URL length

    I didn't even know what that means... I looked it up - it sounds like a method of scripting the transmission of emails directly without bothering an installed mail client- am I right? Not sure that will be appropriate here, as the sent messages need to go via Outlook - for several reasons -...
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    Problem with hyperlink URL length

    The code that generates the distribution list I'm trying to use is mine (the string of semicolon+space-separated email addresses it creates is valid - I've copied and pasted it out of the debug window and it works) The code I'm using to generate and send emails (not related to this operation...
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    Problem with hyperlink URL length

    Sending emails from the system directly (and individually) to any number of contacts I already have - a mailto: hyperlink doesn't directly send the email - it just opens it in a window for the user to complete. And that's what I want - the hyperlink to open a single blank email addressed to the...
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    Problem with hyperlink URL length

    My application contains a table with contact details for >500 people, including their email addresses - on one of my forms, I have various ways to filter subsets of these records - what I would like to do is create a button or hyperlink that launches a mailto: for the currently filtered set of...
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