Recent content by Axis

  1. A

    subform with multiple pages jump to first field

    I have a subform with 4 pages and about 5 fields on each page. When I'm in a field on the 2nd, 3rd or 4th page and I move to another record, the focus on the subform jumps back to the 1st field on the 1st page. Needless to say, this is quite irritating. I have no On Current or other code...
  2. A

    How do I append information to a field?

    A simple update query is all you need. First, make a backup of your database. Then, create a new query with the table you want, and select the field in question. Go to the menu under Query and select Update Query. In the 'Update To' row, put the name of the field in brackets followed by &...
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    calendar control

    It's not clear from your message if you want to have the calendar control update the field or have the field date be reflected on the calendar control. To do the former, put a command button with the calendar control with this in the OnClick property: [Duty_Date]= [Calendar Control...
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    To go to a new line, Access wants both a carriage return and a line break. You'll need: chr(13) & chr(10).
  5. A

    calling a form,check for matches more info

    Actually your message doesn't make sense, at least to me, so I'll try to help by guessing that all you really need is just a bit more room to add some additional fields to your main form. Have you thought about using a Tab Control on the main form so that you can add more fields, subforms, etc...
  6. A

    Un-Selecting Information In List Boxes

    Just set the value of the other list boxes to null. In the OnEnter property of each box, you could put: lbxOne = Null lbxTwo = Null lbxThree = Null (making sure that you change the names of the fields to the actual names)
  7. A

    Filter on NT WinLogon\DefaultUserName

    There are several threads in this forum that may provide possible solutions to your problem. Search for 'NT logon' for a start.
  8. A

    Text String...

    Try using something other than % as the first character of the variables. Access may read % as a special character and not process it. msgtext = str1 & " is already included for " & str2 MsgBox msgtext
  9. A

    Escape Quotations

    Use the Chr() function to insert quotes, with the ascii number for the quote character. "You entered " & Chr(34) & Name & Chr(34) & "as your input." For a new line, Access wants a carriage return AND a line feed to create line breaks. Try [First Field] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [Second Field] etc.
  10. A

    Finding first date

    Use Min instead of First.
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    Adding Exactly One Month

    Use the DateSerial function to add one month to today's date regardless of how many days are in between. For example: [next date]=DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())+1,Day(Date()))
  12. A

    DLookup in Control Source

    By building it into the function, such as DLookup("[Referral]","tblRefer","[ReferID]=1234") Of course this has very limited application, since you'd always be looking up the same thing. Where are you using the DLookup? Give me a better idea of the problems and I'll try to think of another...
  13. A

    DLookup in Control Source

    You have to pass along criteria for the DLookup to evaluate. Either you allow the user to pick criteria from a form (as you've already done) or you hardwire in a criterion that can't be changed by the user.
  14. A

    Changing caption property with code w/o opening report

    You can change captions in the OnOpen event, as in: Me!YourLabelName.Caption = "Your Caption" Since you say you have a need to change the caption, instead of a fixed string you can use a string variable that is set outside of the report. Then the code becomes: Me!YourLabelName.Caption =...
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    What is the purpose of Cancel as Integer?

    I haven't been able to find the answer to this elsehwere, and I know someone here will have the answer: What function does (Cancel as Integer) serve in code and why does it appear only on some subs and not other?
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