Recent content by Baldrick

  1. B

    E-mail Report Results

    Does anyone know if you can use this for an Outlook Distribution List (replacing with DL.Everyone.Everywhere)?
  2. B

    Choosing a Sort Field for Report dynamically

    Have you tried adding a group level in your report? Click on the Grouping/Sorting button (in design mode) and just type in the parameter (i.e. DATE) in the Field/Expression. If you want visible headers/footers make sure you select "Yes". Treat it as if it were a regular field. Close...
  3. B

    Group and Count field values

    Thanks Edward What I actually needed was a crosstab: TRANSFORM Count(qryProjectStatus.Project_Stat_Code) AS CountOfProject_Stat_Code SELECT qryProjectStatus.LOB, qryProjectStatus.Div FROM qryProjectStatus GROUP BY qryProjectStatus.LOB, qryProjectStatus.Div PIVOT...
  4. B

    Form not entering info into table correctly

    Hi Clinton Check the Data tab of your combobox properties. Make sure the Default Value does not have a "0" in it. Also, be sure the Bound Column property is set to the correct column.
  5. B

    Group and Count field values

    I have 3 fields that I'm trying to query. They are LOB, DIV and Project_Stat_Code. I am trying to count 4 values in Project_Stat_Code ("IP", "OH", "PD" and "C") and Group them by LOB, then by DIV. I'm not sure how to approach this. Should I generate a single query for each Project_Stat_Code...
  6. B

    Dual-criteria required before saving

    I think I've answered my own question... Private Sub cmd69_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cmd69_Click If Me!cboAddStatus = "C" Then If IsNull(Form_Pres_Comp) Then MsgBox "A Formal Presentation Completion date is required for Completed Projects", vbOKOnly Me!Form_Pres_Comp.BackColor...
  7. B

    Dual-criteria required before saving

    I have the following in the OnClick Event of a "Save" button: Private Sub cmd69_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cmd69_Click Dim currctl As Integer, numctls As Integer Dim ctl As Control numctls = Forms!frmAddProject.Count 'counts the number of controls For currctl = 0 To numctls...
  8. B

    How to restrict report totals?

    I may have figured it out. I created a query for each side of the relationship, being sure to include a field from the "linking table" in at least one of them. Then use the queries as datasource for your reports (main/sub). Be sure to select the keys as fields in your report(s). When you...
  9. B

    How to restrict report totals?

    I love resurrecting these old topics from the search archives... How would one accomplish this with a many to many relationship? I have a tblNewProjects and tblAttendees. They both have a one-to-many relationship to tblAttendeeProjects, creating a many-to-many relationship (this table...
  10. B

    Force combo box to first item

    You can also do: Me!<ControlName> = Me!<ControlName>.ItemData (0)
  11. B


    Try going to Start => Settings => Control panel => ODBC Data Sources. Click either the User DSN or System DSN tab, then click 'Add'. You should now have a pop-up box 'Create New Data Source'. Select the Microsoft FoxPro Driver (or Microsoft Visual FoxPro driver)and click 'finish'. You can...
  12. B


    Have you created a ODBC data source for the FoxPro database?
  13. B

    Handling Null value in combo box

    Sweet. Thanks RDH
  14. B

    NotInList message

    Try using DoCmd.SetWarnings False
  15. B

    Handling Null value in combo box

    I have the follwoing in the AfterUpdate event of my combo box Sub cboFind_AfterUpdate() ' Find the record that matches the control. Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[Atten_ID] = " & Me![cboFind] Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark End Sub if a user changes their mind and...
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