Recent content by bhelmy

  1. B


    Hi all There no idea coming to my mind to how to perform me. That is what I need. Suppose I have purchase table with following data Batch no. Quantity. Date. 1001. 100. 01/01/2014 1002. 50. 02/01/2014 Now supposingly sales as follows Date. Quantity invoice no 05/01/2014. 125 1 10/01/3014...
  2. B

    too few parameters. expected 1 Error

    please help when i use the following code with Query have criteria too few parameters. expected 1 Error the code Code Tags Added by UG Please use Code Tags when posting VBA Code Please feel free to Remove this Comment...
  3. B

    Import txt file

    i cant made it , Please help
  4. B

    Import txt file

    i have text file want to import but need to ignore first row and make second row contains field names
  5. B

    send file by mail VBA

    when I removed it Didn't work and didn't open or sent email
  6. B

    send file by mail VBA

    Hi my friends the following code to attaches all file in folder and send it by mail auto I need to make the code not to sent mail auto but preview the mail and I will send it manual [ Dim mess_body As String, StrFile As String, StrPath As String Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application...
  7. B

    Split same report and attached to Email

    hi my friends I have a report include 3 Pages I need to make a bottom when I click on it , auto generate an outlook mail with 3 attached ( Page 1 - Page 2 - Page 3 ) as a PDF I use the following code Private Sub cmdEmail_Click() Dim strpath As String Dim arr() As Variant...
  8. B


    hi all i need to know if i can make a buttom with code to repair access database
  9. B

    option buttom

    sorry but what is the value to true and false to write in VBA code (iF)
  10. B

    option buttom

    thx I get it
  11. B

    option buttom

    hi this my first time to use option buttom but i have one problem i have 2 option (1 & 2 ) i need when user select 1 system auto unselect 2 and when user select 2 system auto unselect 1 However , i only selected please
  12. B

    split numbers

    i cant get it so please i need more explain
  13. B

    split numbers

    Hi my friends I have a big issue First I have a 2 table the first on contain the name of transaction and quantity EX : quantity Name of transaction 4000 HQ1 4500 HQ2 1500 HQ3 The second table contain the split data EX : Split to quantity baher 5000 yassin 3000 selim 2000 So I...
  14. B

    Error when change to 64 ( username )

    i have the below code it work in win 32 when change to win 64 , i have error Option Compare DatabasePrivate Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias _"GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As LongFunction fOSUserName() As String' Returns the network login name...
  15. B

    Error Too Few parameters

    sorry i forget upload file --
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