Recent content by davegoodo

  1. D

    Solved DatePart function error

    Thanks, I did do some doubling up on the work, but it all worked out really well.
  2. D

    Solved DatePart function error

    Thanks Gasman! Believe or not I am using it that way. I decided to focus on the Excel side and the best way of displaying these reports is exactly what you have pointed out, using "mmm-yy". I set the query in Access as follows: SELECT Format([RaceDate],"mmm/yy") AS MthYr, Transaction.Track...
  3. D

    Solved DatePart function error

    Thanks for the response. I wouldn't mind if you wrote some code, it would be helpful. I have been doing some tinkering with Excel VBA. What happens is I manage the data in Access and then I export it to Excel to organise into reports, which I have a template for. Interesting that you are...
  4. D

    Solved DatePart function error

    Thank you. I appreciate you are trying to help me. I'm going to experiment with taking the number e.g. 202403 and see if I can tinker around with VBA to see if I can convert the number to mmm-yy. I'll post whether I've got anywhere with it. Thanks very much for your help, you have been terrific.
  5. D

    Solved DatePart function error

    Hi, when I run that in the Immediate window I get 24-Apr-2024. Maybe something could be done with VBA? When you say it's arbitrary I'm not sure of the syntax you are using in the Format function. Maybe I could do a VBA function in Excel? It's not a big deal really what you've given me is...
  6. D

    Solved DatePart function error

    Having had 24 hours to consider the expression, I wonder if it is possible to reverse engineer the number into a date type. e.g. 202404 into something that would be like say Apr24? It's more of a presentation thing. Do you have any thoughts on that? Or how I'd take that number in Excel and...
  7. D

    Solved DatePart function error

    I forgot to mention your 10000 * year formula which creates 4 placeholders. You've certainly turned my head on this ideas. Very lateral thinking. Thanks a lot for these ideas and pushing me to try it when I couldn't see the forest from the trees. Really great and creative! I won't be...
  8. D

    Solved DatePart function error

    Thanks, I just replied to @Gasman and said what a good idea this is. Using year * 100 to create 2 placeholders for the months to slot in. That is certainly lateral thinking, well done. You had me fooled but I see it now. Most importantly it has helped me to put the months and years in...
  9. D

    Solved DatePart function error

    Thank you. I see what is happening now, the year * 100 creates 2 placeholders for months to slot in. Very good. Thanks for explaining. What a good idea!
  10. D

    Solved DatePart function error

    What I would like to know is why multiplying by 100 works? The result is great, I've been able to apply this to my queries and they are working beautifully but my inner mathematician wants to know why? Thanks for sticking with me on this.
  11. D

    Arrange Immediate, Local, Watch windows

    Thanks for your reply. I leave the immediate window open all the time, and the others I open as needed.
  12. D

    Solved DatePart function error

    My apologies. I've just run the SQL and it does exactly what I'm wanting. I was asleep at the wheel. Didn't think it through. That's great I'll be able to apply this in my queries. I've got to check out now it's 21:00 in Australia where I live. I'll get back into it tomorrow and let you...
  13. D

    Solved DatePart function error

    OK, I get it, its VBA, I just ran it in the Immediate window and it gives 202404. Very good! So this is some way I can organise my YYYYMM, correct? Writing some VBA to organise the data? The question mark gave it away.
  14. D

    Solved DatePart function error

    Pardon my ignorance but where do I run it? Is it SQL or VBA? I just tried SQL but it wants an Update or Select or something, I give up what is it?
  15. D

    Solved DatePart function error

    That's fantastic! It's something I can use to group my data further. That's food for thought and application. I shall study that further and play around with my data, thanks very much for that. Just a question, what's with the multiplication by 100?
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