Recent content by David b

  1. D

    Office 2007 / Access 2000

    Neighbour has got a new `puter which came with Office 2007 (without Access ) He needs Access to run an app for his business. He still has a copy of Office 2000 Pro. Are there any issues with installing Access 2000 alongside Office 2007. ? The app calls Outlook to send emails. Will there be...
  2. D

    access on a wireless network

    Any thoughts on the reliability of running the above. only 2 or most 3 machines with front ends and back end on 1 of the machines Prob is site bisected by road David b
  3. D

    email excel attachment

    Thanks for the reply. That should work.
  4. D

    email excel attachment

    I am trying to email to a selected customer some data as an excel attachment. The following routine creates the email and attachment but the address needs to be added manually. The address is grabbed by this sql - SELECT Customers.CustomerID, Customers.EmailAddress FROM Customers WHERE...
  5. D

    Odd page up \ down problem

    The prob I described turned out, when I went to the client`s site, to be the operator !!! XP & A97 working fine together David B
  6. D

    Programatically changing the table that DLOOKUP Uses

    Is it a secret ? - or can you share it David b
  7. D

    criteria problem

    I have a query which gets its criteria from a form. On the form is a combo which selects cust number and a text box selecting date. This works fine if both have data or both are null. Is there a way to have 1 with data and 1 null. -- So I can see all the customers with activity on 11th March...
  8. D

    Finding next number

    [/code]Now it seems that you have four (4) pieces of data in the one field, it may be better to change that before pH sees it as makes a comment, and if she doesn’t I will. Regards, Chris. Thanks for the replies folks. It`s a historic prob having 4 pieces of data. Permisable tag formats have...
  9. D

    Finding next number

    I have an app which records farm livestock. When the user is entering a calf I want to offer the next available ear tag number. The ear tag number has the following format. UK 107248 4 00222. UK - County. 107248 - farm. 4 - check digit. 00222 consequetive animal number My prob is with...
  10. D

    crosstab query column headings

    I have an app which is going to different single users. Each user`s operation is slightly different. Some may have Gallop, Cross country. Others may have Arena, Farm ride and Gallop. etc In the test version the resources are listed in the query properties of a crosstab query. Is there a way to...
  11. D

    options for printing report

    Been fiddling with this today and this behind the button that generates invoices seems to work OK If DLookup("[invoiceheader]", "[registrationtbl]") = 1 Then stDocName = "invallreportlthd" Else stDocName = "invallreport" End If David b
  12. D

    options for printing report

    I have an app used by a number of single users. For printing invoices and statements some users like to use their own headed paper while others are happy with the header generated from the user detail table. I have 2 versions of each report, with or without header. I would like to store the...
  13. D

    Odd page up \ down problem

    Just had a call from a customer describing an odd problem. He has Office XP home edition & O97 I have an app running virtually prob free on over 20 machines (single users) A single form has a continuous sub form. When the single form opens the focus goes to the first control. Page up / down is...
  14. D

    requery when txt box is populated by calender form

    I have a text box on a form header into which a date is entered to filter the data in the continuous form. A requery in after update does the trick. If I populate the text box from a calender form then the after update does not work. I can fire the requery from the calender form but I am calling...
  15. D

    Crosstab query problem

    I am trying to create a "diary page" so that all bookings can be viewed on one screen. I want resources along the top, eg Arena. Gallop. Farm Ride. Down the side times . eg 3.00 4.00 etc. I have been trying with a crosstab query which nearly works !! Problem is what goes in value. If I...
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