Recent content by Dhamdard

  1. D

    Sub-grouping in a Report

    I am with a nonprofit and I voluntarily opted to give them a database so they could track their performance systematically. The reason why I want it in that order is the project log-frame in which the path way of change starts from top to bottom. For example, after the goal of a project...
  2. D

    Sub-grouping in a Report

    Apologize, I attached the correct version of DB now. Also, attached is the screenshot. I added two arrows in the screenshot where the problem is.
  3. D

    Sub-grouping in a Report

    Apologize. Attached is DB with the report. When you open the report, you will see that: - 1,2,3 with green background color are the objectives (in bold text) - Text in blue are indicators under each objective. - Text in dark with brown background is activity under each objective. - Text in red...
  4. D

    Sub-grouping in a Report

    Good morning, I have a table that has the following fields and field types: Project_Code (Type: Short Text) Project_Objective_Code (Type: Short Text) Project_Objective_Statement (Type: Long Text) Objective_Level_Indicator Code (Type: Short Text) Objective_Level_Indicator_Statement (Type: Long...
  5. D

    List Quarters Between Two Dates

    @GinaWhipp. Mall Gracia. I saw that and it works. I will definitely use it. But I still believe that a simple query language can do it too. That's why I posted the language again.
  6. D

    List Quarters Between Two Dates

    The following SQL view in Access produced two values (3 2018, 4 2018) 3 is third quarter, and 4 is the fourth quarter. /Code: SELECT Format(Tab_Project.StartDate,"q - yyyy") AS "Total Quarters" FROM Tab_Project UNION ALL SELECT Format(DateAdd("m",3,Tab_Project.StartDate),"q - yyyy") AS "Start...
  7. D

    List Quarters Between Two Dates

    Thank you for the useful hints. However, I must clarify what I expect to do. It's a new project. It starts on Aug 1, 2018 and ends on Dec 30, 2019. Both start date and end dates are entered in a form. Form name is Tab_Project and field names are StartDate and EndDate. Now, I want to design a...
  8. D

    List Quarters Between Two Dates

    Thanks, Mark. This will give me the quarter and the year for every single case. I want to ask the query to run a loop. Look at the start date and the end date of a project, and then list all quarters that fall within the start and end dates.
  9. D

    List Quarters Between Two Dates

    It's T-SQL language. I am trying to make it work in Access SQL Query.
  10. D

    List Quarters Between Two Dates

    Yeah, this works very slow, but thanks. I found the following language, but I am struggling with how to make it work for my table in a query. My table name is Tab_Projects. Declare @start Date = '1-Apr-2011' Declare @end date ='1-Jul-2012' ;With cte As ( Select @start date1 Union All Select...
  11. D

    List Quarters Between Two Dates

    Thanks, plog. I still believe that there is a way for it. Query could give you that list and then another query has to be run on the first query to create a table for it which will eliminate the manual entry of quarters between two dates. When I find the solution, I will post it here.
  12. D

    List Quarters Between Two Dates

    @June7: Yup. Start date should determine the quarter in calendar year. @plog: The project tracks progress towards objectives. Data comes in regularly. To display progress cumulatively for each quarter, I want the database to automatically generate a list of quarters between two dates. Then I...
  13. D

    List Quarters Between Two Dates

    Hi, I have project [StartDate] and [EndDate] in a table A. How can I run a query that lists down quarters in rows or columns. For example: Start Date: 8/1/2018 End Date: 11/30/2019 Expect Result: Q3 2018 Q4 2018 Q1 2019 Q2 2019 Q3 2019 Q4 2019 Thanks for the help. Dhamdard
  14. D

    David Crake – very sad news

    Very sad news. I am equally shared with his family in this hard time. His posts and knowledge bank helped us all to learn and make use of Access in our professional work. May his soul in rest and peace.
  15. D

    Google map on Web Browser Control - Web Form on Access 2010

    Finally, I found the solution. I should have used the embedded link not the usual URL. Fusion Tables generate embedded link automatically by click on 'Get embeddable link' available at the top of the map. Thanks, Dad
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