Recent content by eacham

  1. E

    Creating Charts in Reports

    I'm having trouble making a chart in my report. Can anybody tell me the best way of doing this? Thanks!
  2. E


    I have a form that consists of five different subforms. In the first sub form different lot numbers get entered in. Is there anyway that those same lot numbers can be placed into the next subform so that they don't have to re-enter those same numbers 5 different times.
  3. E

    Creating Reports on the Fly

    Thank you!!!
  4. E

    Creating Reports on the Fly

    I have a report that contains 7 subreports. Each report contains data from different tests run through out the day. Some days the tests are all run, other days only a couple are run. You never know what tests are going to be run for that day. I want a report to print out all the information...
  5. E

    Showing a warning if a number exceeds a limit

    Is it possible for a report to show a label that says that a number exceeds a limit. I thought you could do it using setvalue in the macros and making a condition and if the condition is met to make the labels visible property to yes, but I can't get it to work. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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