Recent content by ee406621

  1. E

    Add Multi GroupBox and show messgebox (GB.text) for every groupbox but Always messgebox last groupbox

    Resoved 👍 C# using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsFormsApp1 { public partial class...
  2. E

    Add Multi GroupBox and show messgebox (GB.text) for every groupbox but Always messgebox last groupbox

    GroupBox GB ; int num = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { num += 1; GB = new GroupBox(); GB.Name ="GB" + i; GB.Text = "GB" + i; GB.Size= new Size( 964, 40); GB.Click += new EventHandler(test); int LocationX = Convert.ToInt32(GB.Location.X); Locationy = Locationy + 120; GB.Location =...
  3. E

    Question Subform Enter Parameter Value error

    No problem and Congratulations for moderating 💐
  4. E

    Question Subform Enter Parameter Value error

    first - I use cloud site called MEGA Because when i try to upload file the site show message large file So i tried to remove some data to down file size and the file is upload with out problem Secound I trusted cloud mega and i use it for all my work
  5. E

    Question Subform Enter Parameter Value error

    No Prorblem :)
  6. E

    Question Subform Enter Parameter Value error

    I found Resolve The Problem is Region Setting @Gasman @pbaldy
  7. E

    Question Subform Enter Parameter Value error

    The Problem On Windndows 10 Only
  8. E

    Question Subform Enter Parameter Value error

    US : test PA : test
  9. E

    Question Subform Enter Parameter Value error

    Hi I Have Same Problem But on Windows 10 Only when i use same access file in windows 7 or Xp there's No Problem
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