Recent content by eener78

  1. E

    Attendance Table

    THANK YOU Cronk! Major brain freeze on this system; whew! Huge sigh of relief.
  2. E

    Attendance Table

    I am back. I have tried, honestly tried all day. I'm not sure If I should base the attendance form on attendance or a query. Are there any examples that I could look at possibly? Adding daily attendance to an entire class at once, is more difficult than I thought. The sad part is- it's the...
  3. E

    Attendance Table

    Thank you all for your help. I made the recommended changes, but I'm still drawing a blank :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:. I may be overthinking this- I'm now trying to create the attendance form that will allow me to select a date at the top of the form and below the date will be all...
  4. E

    Attendance Table

    I'm creating an attendance tracking system, the attendance system needs to : Allow an instructor to enroll students into one or more classes, and then add attendance by date to each class(es). The problem that I'm having is, attendance is tracked by the number of hours that a student attends...
  5. E

    Hello Everyone!

    Hello Everyone, I'm a long time user of Access, but since moved to web application development. While, I'm not a stranger to Access, there are times when a given project / issue surrounding Access will stop me in cold in my tracks. Speaking of which...I will be finding the appropriate...
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